Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Holy Shit! My Blog works! It has been almost a month since I have been able to access my blog or anyone else's for that matter. Don't know why, but now all of a sudden I can. Weird, cause other people could.

Lets see, what's new? Took a vacation from work, Peyton was sick almost the entire time. So I basically just held her for a week in my arms. I was actually off for Father's Day so Rachelle let me sleep in. I woke up went into the living room and Peyton said, "Happy Father's Day Daddy..I love you." Now if that doesn't just kick your ass, there might be something wrong with ya. Her latest thing is to tell Rachelle and I, I miss you Daddy, or I miss you mommy. It breaks your heart. If I could work out of the house, I totally would. We went to the beach for Fathers day which was a lot of fun even when Peyton took a header face first into the sand. We had a great time playing in the sand and then went home and did yard work. It was really nice.

Last weekend I went to Eugene and saw Nathan, Dan, and Rob, which was great and a lot of fun. Went to my sister's college graduation, which I am unbelievable proud of. Got home and realized my face was sunburned on one side from sitting in the bleachers in the sun, I even had lines from my sunglasses.

I had my xbox modded. Found a guy in Monmouth, Oregon and begged and pleaded until he said I could come down and have it done. He did, and I am very happy with it. He put a software mod with a external switch, so that I can still do xbox live by just flipping the switch, which makes it as if there is no mod at all. I also had him put my 250 gb hard drive in so that I would have plenty of room for games. I have it linked up to my network, and I can watch movies from my computer, look at pics from my comp, play mp3s or playlists from itunes, and do internet stuff, all thru my xbox wireless network connection. Not to mention play burned games. Rented Star Wars Episode 3 for Xbox and beat it. It is actually a lot of fun for a hack and slash game. Not much substance, and not very long. But you can unlock some cool playable characters like, yoda, darth vader, and General Grevous. I also rented Destroy All Humans for xbox, which is also fun. It is a campy 50's era game where you play a little grey alien that sounds like Jack Nicholson and likes to suck the brains out of people. It is very funny.

Then the day I went back to work, last Monday, I started getting sick as hell. Started with a soar throat, then I got the fever, aches and pains, congestion, all around feeling like crap to go along with the now horribly painful soar throat. I had Thursday off, and did not even get out of bed except to eat very little for dinner. Still felt sick yesterday (Monday 6/27) and my throat was still horrible, but the fever and other crap was gone for the most part, so I took a sick day and stayed in bed. I feel a bit better today and the soar throat is lessening. So hopefully I am about done with this crap. Summer is not the time to be sick damn it.

Watched Hostage with Bruce Willis, which is a bad ass (though dark and very bloody) flick. Rent it today. I also rented Coach Carter with Sam Jackson, very motivational, and Hitch (Will Smith) which was pretty funny.

Found out that Nine Inch Nails is finally coming to Portland, on September 24th, with Queens of the Stone Age and Autolux, so you can bet your sweet ass I will be at the Rose Garden that night. Let me know if you want to catch the show with me. I think Rob and I are going so far. Trent released the master file for The Hand That Feeds last may, so that people could make their own remix with Apple Garageband, and people submitted over 500. They have got it down to the top 40 you can download with bit torrent. There are some damn good remixes here. Trent released the masterfile last week for the next single "Only", in both PC and Mac formats, if I had more time and knew what the hell I was doing I would try it.

And finally, Rachelle got a call from a friend at the Bank of Astoria, to let her know that a Credit card processing center had been hacked and that they would have to reissued her debit card with a new number. No big deal, cause I have my checking account at The Safeway Credit Union. So on Sunday I got to lunch at a restaurant up the street and give them my debit card, and the girl says, "Sorry but it comes up cancelled." I tell her to run it again, cause there is no way it cancelled and she runs it again with the same result. So embarrassed I give her another card which works fine. Then when I got back to the store I called and checked my balance and had plenty of money in my acct, so I try to use it at the store, and it works fine even lets me get cash back. So the next day Rachelle tries to use it somewhere and it comes up cancelled again. Then she uses it at the Post Office and goes right thru. She tells me, but I forget about it until I go to Dairy Queen for ice cream to soothe my soar throat and I get the damn cancelled message again. I call my bank and she says, "Oh...Did we call you this weekend?" I tell her that I never got a call and she tells me that I was one of 500 people at the bank that had to have new debit cards issued due to the same thing that happened to my wife's card. Damn I am pissed, cause now neither one of us has a card, and I don't like to write checks. God Damn Hackers.

I saw this on G4 the other day, and it is some of the most hilarious messed up cartoons I have ever seen. It is called Happy Tree Friends, and features really cute animal cartoons getting horrible disfigured. Check it out, you can even rent them on DVD.

Well it's almost the July 4th, which means I am busy as all hell at work, can't wait for that to be over. Work is incredibly stressful, but we are doing tremendously well. Robert, my boss, and I seem to be the power team. We are just about the top store at everything, service, sales, etc. Which feels damn good. Now if I could just work less than 50-60 hours a week, I would be very happy.
That's pretty much it.