Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Last To Fall
This is a band from Astoria, they are pretty decent. They played the Warped Tour this summer and are currently playing gigs around the area. Definately check em out if you get the chance. Their drummer Tory works for me he's a good guy. They have hard edged sound with a female lead, that really gives it a different feel. Go Listen.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Ok, haven't posted in over a month, really don't want to, but the pressure of not posting is getting too great. Had a great time with Jeremy B, modded jeremy's xbox, put an ass load of games on JB's new enlarged xbox harddrive, fucking wish sweet tits dan would have come down for the class reunion, had a great time seeing the rest of the group, bought a new 50" hd plasma tv, played lots of xbox on the big tv with JB, had my 8th wedding anniversary, My daughter rocks...she sings the chorus to "The Hand that Feeds" by Nine Inch Nails! Stressed as all hell at work, bought a new Razr phone and plan, Sold my old 50" tv for $300 bones, part of my lawn died in the shape of a perfect giant rectangle, my brother rob came down and we played xbox with Jeremy B, JB went back to Japan after spending nearly every day at my house for 2 weeks...which made me very sad, JB spread fucking spam to my blog, downloaded and am listening to the new Staind album which is very good..." Please is the best song on the CD, will be putting on a Kids Safety Day event with the Fire Dept, Police,& the Coast Guard, at the store this Saturday, told dish network who's boss...and got my way!, I have come to the conclusion that FX is the best damn cable channel out there now that I have found a favorite new show called "Starved", also watched 30 Days, and Over There two other great shows on the same chanel, and I think that is about it.