Monday, July 31, 2006

So Many Weapons, So Little Time!

Dead Rising looks soo damn good! Nothing is better than killing zombies, wouldn't you agree? I was watching a developer interview on G4 the other day and the showed how anything you can find in the mall can be used as a weapon, including other zombies. Now that sounds fun! If this game absolutely blows, I am gonna be pissed.

Trent with Flock of Seagulls Hair

This is a clip of an interview with Trent Reznor and his former band "Exotic Birds". Damn that was a cool look!

Wish I Had a Car Bed

I know the movie got horrible review, but I though it was pretty damn funny. It has all the normal Adam Sandler cast minus Adam. Definately worth a rent.Click the picture to watch the trailer at the bottom of the page, hilarious.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Fun in the Sun

Put up some photos from last week in the sprinklers. I always loved running though the sprinklers as a kid. Turns out, it is even more fun to put your kids in the sprinklers.

Saturday, July 22, 2006


The Jedi are Coming!

Well this is a peak at a next gen Star Wars game. Looks pretty good, especially if it is game play and not prerendered footage. These Jedi whoop some serious Storm Trooper Ass! These were obviously not the same Jedi in Episode III that got wiped out in mere minutes.

AMD to Buy AIT

I guess it makes sense for AMD to purchase ATI. With Intel doing more and more integrated graphics in the products, I guess it makes sense for AMD to try to do the same, what do you think?

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Lions, & Tigers, & Bears. Oh My!

There were no lions, but they did have tigers, and bears. Peyton got her first trip to the Oregon Zoo. She had a blast, but Rachelle and I were beat by the end of the day. The weather was perfect for the trip, although apparently everyone else thought so too. There were so many damn people there today that we almost didn't get a parking place. We spent the whole day seeing everything from apes to zebras. She said that the Elephants and the Leopard were her favorites. All in all a pretty great day.
Peyton's Site

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Peyton Update

Made a couple updates to Peyton's site, some pics from the Fourth of July. I also added some from today during our trip to the beach. Would you ever believe this is Oregon?


I never shot bunnies into space, but I did launch a few frogs with bottle rockets when I was younger. Good times! This is the new Rayman game, and while I was never much of a fan of the other games, these ads are awesome!