Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sound Familiar?

All I can say is that John Stewart is AWESOME!

Election Advice

See more Hayden Panettiere videos at Funny or Die

So I tried not to spread my opinion of who everyone should vote for, but I do like me some Hero's Claire, and she is spot on with her endorsement.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Through the Rabbit Hole

Through The Rabbit Hole

Duke and Dexter have a new favorite thing to do. Run like mad under the bushes in the side yard.

Sunday Morning Play Time

The boys causin mischief at 6 am on Sunday Morning!

This Is WAR!

1st Trip to the Vet

Duke and Dexter got their 2nd set of boosters at Pet Smart yesterday. They did really well and they loved checking out all the other dogs walking around the store.

Having their 1st cup of Joe

Duke & Dexter took their first walk down to Starbucks today. We literally can't go anywhere without like cars stopping and people coming over to pet the little buggers!