Sunday, January 04, 2009

Rockin Out!

Playin Rock Band and Drinking way too much on my birthday in Joshua Tree with my main man, Jeremy B. Had a great time, but I had too much fun beating Jeremy and Todd with drum sticks.

Jill's Aunt Jan

We visited with Jill's Aunt Jan and family in Buena Park, CA on the 28th. We really enjoyed the time visiting with them.

Christmas at Disneyland

So Jill's Dad gave us tickets to Disneyland for Christmas. We went on the 29th with Jill's younger sister Krystle. We had fun, but let me tell you, by the end of the 12 hour stretch, my whole body hurt. My feet felt like they were on fire, and my back felt like someone beat me with a bat. I think it will be quite a while before we go back, it was just too crowded and we waited an hour or more for some of the rides. Best rides: Space Mountain, California Scream, Tower of Terror!

The River

Our stay at Jeff & Debbie's Trailer in McIntyre Park on the Colorado River in Blythe, CA.

Sims Road

We saw Sims Road, Peyton Drive, & Jill's Market.

Christmas with the Kids

Santa Claus Came to Town

Our visit from the Big Guy in Redding! Peyton just couldn't believe she was meeting the real Santa! Oh and yes my Dogs have Special Powers!


These are from our trip home from Redding. These are Mt. Shasta and a mysterious mountain next to I-5.