Friday, May 27, 2005

Offensive W
NIN pulled the plug on their scheduled performance next week during the MTV Movie Awards due to the network's uneasiness with a back drop of George Bush during the song, "The Hand That Feeds". This song is "a warning against blind acceptance of authority, including that of a president leading his nation to war." Yet another reason not to watch that lame ass network.

"Nine Inch Nails will not be performing at the MTV Movie Awards as previously announced. We were set to perform "The Hand That Feeds" with an unmolested straightforward image of George W Bush as the backdrop. Apparently the image of our president is as offensive to MTV as it is to me."
-Trent Reznor 2/26/05

What is wrong with this country...


Rob said...

wow, what a fucking surprise.. its probably better though, I'd rather not see NIN mixed in with all the shitty hiphop and pop acts which will be plentiful as always I'm sure.

WNW said...

What the fuck was a decent band like NIN doing on a crap network like Mtv anyway?