Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Wait for it.... Oh yeah, Halo 22 is nearly here. It will be just like what Rob, Corey, and I saw, only with better seats! Seriously though,it should be damn good, this years tour was by far the most impressive tour yet.

Madden Curse? Nonsense, Right?

Madden Curse
Well it looks like it happened again this season. The Madden Football Posterboy Shaun Alexander, last years NFL MVP, is out for at least a few weeks, possibly longer with a broken bone in his foot. I'm not a superstitous man, but if my multi-million dollar paycheck depended on me playing football, and 5 out of the last 6 years the cover boys have been injured or had horrible seasons, I think I might think twice. EA Sports must pay some serious cash!

2007 - Shaun Alexander: Broken bone in his foot, out at least 3 weeks.

2006 - Donovan McNabb: After week 9, Mcnabb suffered a hernia and was lost for the season. Mcnabb threw for more interceptions and his yards per attempt and completion percentage were down from 2004. The Eagles finished 6-10, in last place, and missed the playoffs for the first time since 1999.

2005 - Ray Lewis: Lewis for the most part avoided the curse. His numbers were slightly down from the year before, but he missed one game. He did not record an interception in 2004, the first time in his career.

2004 - Michael Vick: Vick missed the first 11 games with a broken leg. Vick's QB rating, comp pct, and yards per attempt were all down from 2002.

2003 - Marshall Faulk: Despite playing the same amount of games, Faulk rushed for 430 less yards and had 4 less TDs compared to 2001. Faulk's worst season since 1996. Rams scored only 16 more points then their 1996 team, one of their worst years ever.

2002 - Daunte Culpepper: Culpepper missed 4 games with injury, threw for 1300 less yards and 19 less TD's then in 2000. Minnesota's worst record since 1984.

2001 - Eddie George: George's curse came in 2001 where he failed to break 1000 yards and Tennessee missed the playoffs going 7-9.

Prior to 2001, John Madden Football did not have NFL players on its cover. It just had a picture of John Madden himself.

Fun with Photoshop!

Originally uploaded by bigdsims.
I really haven't played with Adobe Photoshop in years. Here are a couple photos I doctored with a watercolor look.

Monday, September 25, 2006

The Jetty

Columbia River Jetty Project
For some reason, today I decided to drive down to Fort Stevens State Park, and take some pictures out at the Columbia River Jetty. It's probably because every time I drop Peyton off at her daycare in Hammond, I see one semi-truck after another pulling flat beds with giant boulders to repair the South Jetty. It is a massive project. I according to the the plaque at the site, the mouth of the columbia exports more grain than any other river in the world with the exception of the Mississippi River. It said that two thirds of the giant rock wall is actually under water, and that it is about 65 feet high from the ocean floor to the top of the wall.
Fort Stevens State Park
I also decided to check out some other areas of the beach while I as there and take some scenery shots.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

This is Gonna Kick All Sorts of Ass!

This comes from the man who brought us Sin City, Frank Miller, brings to life another graphic novel. "300" is all about bad ass Spartans. This is the first trailer I've seen, and it looks damn promising. The official site is just a production blog, hopefully they will put more up. Oh and that song during the last half of the trailer is NIN's "Just Like You Imagined", I knew there was a reason I liked it so much.

Warner Brothers has had it removed from ifilms, google video, youtube, etc. Here is a link to a quicktime version that is still up. I would have embedded it but google doesn.t allow java which is needed for quicktime.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Closer to Spock

All I can say is, "Awesome!" I'm pretty sure I will never look at Leonard Nemoy the same.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

High School Talent

Damn these kids are talented! If everyone played violin like that, it would be a much cooler instrument.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Is Something Wrong with the System?

3rd times the charm? This is the mayor of Astoria, Oregon and my home town, Willis Van Dusen. He has been in office for 16 years and is seeking a 5th term in November. I have known the family my whole life, and grew up with his nephew, Trent, as my best friend.
Monday he was arrested after he collided his Harley Davidson into the side of a truck and was charged with DUII (Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants). It is not a good political move to get a DUII when you're in office, but for some reason, Van Dusen seems to buck the trend. This is his 3rd, yes that's right, third DUII arrest since 1989, all while he was in office. Yet the voting citizens of Astoria keep voting him back into office regardless of the example he is setting as a citizen, president of a major local business (Pepsi Distributor), and a parent.
Van Dusen is a nice guy, but you know what, he needs help. I work in Astoria, but do not live there so I will not be able to cast my vote, but I think the only way he will get help is for him to be voted out of office. Maybe then he might realize how much damage he has done, and seek help for his alcoholism.
There is nothing wrong with having a drink, or many drinks, as long as you do it safely. Getting behind the wheel of a car when you have been drinking is ludicrous and irresponsible. My aunt was killed at the age of 19 by a drunk driver. One of my friends and coworkers was sentenced to 5 years in prison for killing a girl while driving drunk. I also had a former boss who had a problem with alcohol and was charged with DUII, and is no longer with Safeway for that reason. Fortunately for Van Dusen, no one has been hurt, when he chose to drive under the influence. When does it become necessary for the public to take action, or for that matter Pepsi Inc. for his indescretions? No one is perfect, myself included, and maybe I would or wouldn't feel different if it was his first arrest. But we have to ask ourselves when is enough, enough?

Monday, September 04, 2006

G'Day Mate, Rest In Peace

Well it was bound to happen. But still very sad that it did. Steve Irwin the Crocodile Hunter killed by a Sting Ray while filming a documentary called "Ocean's Deadliest".

"He came up on top of the stingray and the stingray's barb went up and into his chest and put a hole in his heart," John Stainton, Irwin's longtime director and producer, told reporters in Australia.

Through the heart...Oh Crikey!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Pumpkins Return?

"The Smashing Pumpkins are currently in the recording studio with legendary producer Roy Thomas Baker (Queen, The Cars, The Darkness), at work on their first new album since 1999."

Interesting. Just happened to see this on billycorgan.com I would definately like to see that.