Thursday, November 16, 2006

$100 Xbox 360!!!

Core 360 for $100 on Turkey Day through Amazon.
Now you have no reason not to buy one. Even if you have to buy a hard drive and wireless controller deals don't get any better. They will only have 1000 to sell at 11AM Thanksgiving Day. I might buy a second one just because.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Gears of War

God damn this game is good! From start to finish this game is absolutely amazing. From the graphics to the gameplay, truly great. I am still playing through the single player campaign, but am looking forward to playing online soon. I can say that there has never been a cooler weapon than the chainsaw, and it just never gets old cutting someone in two even after the 20th time. And did I mention how damn good it looks sawin' thru someone in HD!!!

$100 of a 360

Nathan and Rob this is for you.
after rebate that is $199 for a core and 299 for the premium version.
Get one now! You have until December 3rd.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


So Rob and I went to the Deftones show last weekend at the Roseland Theater in Portland. Fantastic show! He once again won free tickets, this time to a sold out show. I don't know if it was because it was a smaller venue, or what, but it was probably the loudest show I've ever been to. For the first time ever at a concert I actually thought to myself, "I wish I had ear plugs!" I think I did real damage, but hey, it was worth it. The opening band was pretty good too. Deadsy had so much bass and it was so loud that you could feel every single beat in your chest, like getting chest compressions every second for 30 minutes straight! Rob and I even got free beer, when the waitress forgot to make us pay!