Thursday, November 09, 2006


So Rob and I went to the Deftones show last weekend at the Roseland Theater in Portland. Fantastic show! He once again won free tickets, this time to a sold out show. I don't know if it was because it was a smaller venue, or what, but it was probably the loudest show I've ever been to. For the first time ever at a concert I actually thought to myself, "I wish I had ear plugs!" I think I did real damage, but hey, it was worth it. The opening band was pretty good too. Deadsy had so much bass and it was so loud that you could feel every single beat in your chest, like getting chest compressions every second for 30 minutes straight! Rob and I even got free beer, when the waitress forgot to make us pay!


King Jeremy the Wicked said...

Dude, it wasn't too loud, it's that you are getting old.

Big D Sims said...

That very well could be true. Its the big 30 for all of us this year!

Rob said...

I rule, I need to win even more tickets. Oh and yes, the roseland rules because of good sound, but the type of music the Deftones play just escalates it to the extreme. It was like that when I saw them at taste of chaos, well not quite as bad, but the venue was larger.