Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Good News For JB

Rage Against The Machine are going to reunite for a concert in April. It's a one time thing though. But with Cornell restarting his solo career, you never know.

Friday, January 19, 2007


Well, another one bites the dust...Happy B-Day Jerky! Trust me I feel your pain, just drink til you black out, always works for me!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

From Old to New

Well it was time to upgrade. I have had my computer for over 3 years and things just weren't moving like they should, even after numerous reformats, so I took the plunge and decided to build a new one.

Old System:
Processor: 2Ghz AMD Athlon 64 3200
Operating System: Win XP Pro
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Video Card: ATI Radeon 9800 Pro
Sound Card: Turtle Beach Santa Cruz 5.1
Hard Drives: 5 totaling 1090 GB
Monitor: 19 inch LCD 4:3 aspect ratio
Optical Drive: 1 DVD Rom & 1 16x DVD+-R/RW/R DL writer
Case: Antec Grey aluminum Midsize Tower
External Bays: 4 5.25"/2 3.5"
Internal Bays: 4 3.5"
Power supply: Antec 430watt
Fans: Seven (1-3" internal and 1-3" external power supply fans, 2-3" external front, 1-3" external side, & 2-3" external rear fans)

New System:
Processor: 1.86 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo 6300
Operating System: Win XP Pro Media Center edition
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Video Card: Nvidia Geforce 7600 LE & Conexant Falcon Video Capture Card w/remote
Sound Card: Realtek High Definition 7.1 on board audio
Hard Drives: 5 totaling 1290 GB
Monitor: 22 inch LCD 16:9 aspect ratio
Optical Drive: 1 DVD Rom & 1 Litescribe (makes a label on top) 18x DVD+-R/RW/R DL writer
Case: Antec silver composite Midsize Tower
External Bays: 4 5.25"/1 3.5"
Internal Bays: 6 3.5"
Power supply: Antec 500 watt
Fans: Five (1-3" internal and 1-3" temp sensing external power supply fans, 1-3" external front, 1-5" rear external, & 1-5" external top fan)

The new case is beautiful, it is a silvery color, that kind of changes colors slightly at different angles. The case is lighter than the old one but about the same size, This one has a spoiler on top that covers the very quiet top case fan which compared to the old computer that sounded like a jet taking off, is extremely quite, almost shockingly quiet. I also can't believe how much cooler it is even with fewer fans and twice the processor, no more heating the office with it. I put XP Media Center on it, which is pretty neat with the remote. It is very similar to what Colin had with his old gateway, only I can also run it wirelessly through my xbox 360 to my TV and do pretty much anything (surf, stream dvds on my pc hard drive or any other video files, pictures, music etc) or I can watch it on the monitor as well as watch TV through the capture card on the PC. The monitor is freakin huge, wide screen which is infinitely better than the regular 4:3. I upgraded my keyboard to a wireless which is nice and kept the wireless logitech mouse I already had. I brought over all but one of the 5 HDDs but added a new 320gb to replace a 120gb.

I am thinking about going raid 0 with the hard drives, but don't know enough about it so I will have to read up first. The dvd burner makes labels on the discs which is kind of cool. And so far the system is much faster to process stuff, especially in photoshop and other intensive programs. I was reading you can over clock the Core 2 Duo that I have to the same speed as the top end processor at 3.0 Ghz for about $700 cheaper and it is still pretty stable so I will probably be doing that. All in all I am pretty pleased, and it was pretty reasonable, $1400 not counting the 4 hard drives and the mouse I already had.

I set up Rachelle with my old pc to replace the old 1Ghz Pentium III Dell that I have had for like 8 or nine years which I then set up for Peyton. Peyton absolutely loves having her own "puter" that she uses to play her Barbie and her pet shop game, as well as surf her sites (Noggin, Playhouse Disney, & Nick Jr.) And now she doesn't have to compete for time on Rachelle's computer. She is getting scary good with it. Doesn't need our help really much at all anymore. The way she is going she will be building me my next computer!

SNOW!!! Lots of SNOW!!!

Good God, we got snow at the beach. In 30 years I don't ever remember there being this much snow in Seaside. I woke up this morning to about 6-8 inches!!! I was in shock. It was pretty fun, though. I was supposed to be at work at 7AM, but my truck is not 4-wheel drive, and I don't have snow tires. So I went in late and Rachelle and I took Peyton in the yard to play with the neighbor kids, since school was cancelled. Driving to work was a little scary, people drive like idiots! You would think with all the snow and ice on the highway people would drive reasonably and cautiously. Nope jackasses trying to pass, peeling out, fish tailing, etc. Astoria didn't get near as much 1-3 inches tops, which is strange. Most of it melted by this afternoon, although i still had about 4 inches in the bed of my truck that came with me to work and was still there when I got home. At about 4pm it was 32 degrees in Astoria, so all that melted snow was turning to ice. Again, a little scary driving home, especially across the Young's Bay Bridge. Damn was it slick. I don't think we will get more snow tonight, but then again, I never thought we would get it last night either.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Birthday Girl

Birthday Girl
Tea Party
Originally uploaded by bigdsims.
Yep, she's 4 now! I hear it's all down hill from there.

Monday, January 01, 2007

The Storm

Damn, weather can suck! You know I have lived on the Oregon coast nearly all my life, and have seen many storms come and go. But I have never seen one take down as many trees as this one did. Even today nearly 3 weeks later, the sides of the road on both Highway 30 and Highway 26 are littered with literally hundreds if not thousands of downed trees. For a most of the day on Friday, we were an island. All highways to the coast (26, 30, 202, 101) were closed due to fallen trees.

We lost power at my house about 2pm on Thursday the 14th while Peyton and I were playing Xbox. It came and went for about an hour, then Poof, it was gone. No biggy, we have lost power before, so we played with those "manual toys" for a few hours till nap time. She woke up from her nap at 5pm and by this time I had to break out the flashlights and candles, of which most of the candles were small and the flashlight batteries were dead. Rachelle had power at her office, because Jim recently installed a natural gas generator, so we went there for dinner because they had a kitchen we could use. Went to bed that night thinking the power would be back sometime during the night. I was wrong!

It was not until Sunday evening that we finally got power back and by this time most of the rest of the county had already gotten it back a day or two sooner. Let me tell you, that an extended power outage with no heat: gas heat but furnace still needs power, no hot water: gas water heater worked but septic didn't so couldn't use that or the toilet, and no lights: other than candles, with a three year old sucks! We ended up losing all the food in the fridge and freezer, Rachelle had just bought like $150 worth of food the day before. It got damn cold too, we have a gas fireplace, but it has no fan, and only heats like 5 feet in front of it, so it didn't do much good. By Sunday we had had enough and Rachelle's parents power came on Saturday night, so we packed up and went over to their house Sunday morning.

I have to say I didn't realize how power dependent I really am. I have no hobbies that don't require power, video games, computer, music, movies, all useless. I need a new hobby. I guess the bright side is that my power was only out for 3-4 days, some people I work with just got it back around Christmas. And my roof didn't blow off during the 106 mph gusts that were recorded on here.

Rachelle's B-Day

Well she did it. She turned 30 on the 9th, exactly three weeks before me! So we went out and got trashed at the Portway Tavern in Astoria. It was a lot of fun, we stayed the night at the Cannery Pier Hotel, which was a great room, but very, very expensive. I haven't had a hang over in a very long, time so I guess I was due, but man I forgot how much they suck!