Thursday, January 11, 2007

SNOW!!! Lots of SNOW!!!

Good God, we got snow at the beach. In 30 years I don't ever remember there being this much snow in Seaside. I woke up this morning to about 6-8 inches!!! I was in shock. It was pretty fun, though. I was supposed to be at work at 7AM, but my truck is not 4-wheel drive, and I don't have snow tires. So I went in late and Rachelle and I took Peyton in the yard to play with the neighbor kids, since school was cancelled. Driving to work was a little scary, people drive like idiots! You would think with all the snow and ice on the highway people would drive reasonably and cautiously. Nope jackasses trying to pass, peeling out, fish tailing, etc. Astoria didn't get near as much 1-3 inches tops, which is strange. Most of it melted by this afternoon, although i still had about 4 inches in the bed of my truck that came with me to work and was still there when I got home. At about 4pm it was 32 degrees in Astoria, so all that melted snow was turning to ice. Again, a little scary driving home, especially across the Young's Bay Bridge. Damn was it slick. I don't think we will get more snow tonight, but then again, I never thought we would get it last night either.

1 comment:

Rob said...

Holy crap, we didn't get anything close to that. Its generally the other way around, meaning the valley gets most of the snow while the coast usually doesn't. I'm glad though since I drive for work, I don't want it to snow.