Sunday, March 25, 2007

The New Someone


WNW said...

Hmmm...I'm torn.

When my friend Tim introduced me to his wife and asked me what I thought I told him without hesitation "I'd hit it." because it was funny. Most people would say something like "she seems nice" or " she's pretty" but I'm all about saying things that are shocking and inappropriate. It's my M.O. My modus operandi. When I first saw this post that was what I was going to say, but maybe it's time I grew up. Maybe it's time I stop telling people when I make a really large poop. Maybe I should stop telling people that Native Americans are a conquered people and they should quit bitchin'. Maybe I should open a donut shop and make sweet sweet love to the donut holes...oh yeah, I'll show you jelly filled.


Big D Sims said...

Nathan, I couldn't imagine a different response from you. Don't even think about changing now. That's what makes you you! And that my friend is why I love ya. And not in a gay way, you stallion.

Rob said...

I can only assume this was around the time you texted me to say you were fucking drunk. Oh and Nathan, never refrain from telling people how large your dump was. They may act like they think its gross or that they don't care, but they do... and they're jealous.

WNW said...

I'm sorry, I can't stop thinking about fucking donuts. No, let me correct that. I don't want to fuck them I want to romance them...then fuck them. Then have a cigarette.

That reminds me. Am I the only one who's been nic-fitting for the past 2 years? Jesus I want to smoke!

Oh, and Derek. I'd hit it like a mega-ton bomb.

Colin said...

I moved my blog to my personal site.

Colin said...

You are slacking. I saw today that a new NIN album was released this week - and no post from D.

What is the world coming to?