Wednesday, May 02, 2007

It is Official

Well, as of yesterday, I am transferring to a new store. I asked to be moved in order to get myself promoted, and to be closer to Jill in Lake Oswego. The commuting which is what I have been doing for the last couple months is terrible, especially with the current cost of gas. Anyway I start at my new store, which is in the St. Johns area, about a block from the bridge, on Sunday the 13th. The store is the exact same size and footprint as the store in Astoria but I think it is about a year newer. My last day in Astoria will be Thursday May 10th. I have an apartment that I am sharing with someone, at the edge of Portland near the Bridgeport mall. I am very excited and nervous at the same time, it is a big change, but it feels like a much needed one. My plan is to get myself promoted and hopefully have my own store before the end of the year. Now if I could just get rid of my apartment in Astoria, I'd be set!

So Much, So little time

Well Colin is right the world is ending. Why else would I have forotten to post about the new NIN album? It is amazing and here is a clip with Trent talking about it.