Wednesday, May 02, 2007

It is Official

Well, as of yesterday, I am transferring to a new store. I asked to be moved in order to get myself promoted, and to be closer to Jill in Lake Oswego. The commuting which is what I have been doing for the last couple months is terrible, especially with the current cost of gas. Anyway I start at my new store, which is in the St. Johns area, about a block from the bridge, on Sunday the 13th. The store is the exact same size and footprint as the store in Astoria but I think it is about a year newer. My last day in Astoria will be Thursday May 10th. I have an apartment that I am sharing with someone, at the edge of Portland near the Bridgeport mall. I am very excited and nervous at the same time, it is a big change, but it feels like a much needed one. My plan is to get myself promoted and hopefully have my own store before the end of the year. Now if I could just get rid of my apartment in Astoria, I'd be set!


Rob said...

As long as there is a manager position available, I don't see how you wouldn't get it. Hell you could have had one for quite awhile if you hadn't been tied down in Astoria. Its about damn time you got here.

I still think your apartment management is lame. I haven't heard of a place making you pay off the entire lease amount if you need to break the lease early. Hopefully they can get someone in there soon, because thats ridiculous.

Colin said...

Bridgeport Village? I was just there. That's not so bad because you can take whatever that road is that connects to 217 directly into downtown L.O.

What about Peyton, will she be visiting a lot? We should get our girls together.

WNW said...

Woo-Hoo! Big City Derek!