Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Hello Mrs. Sims

I am engaged to the love of my life...Jill and I will be getting married on January 31st, which will be 1 year that we will have been together. It is hard to believe it has already been a year. Especially since so much has happened during the last 10 months. I can truly say that it has been the happiest 10 months of my life, and I only see it continuing. Since it is not the first time down the alter for either of us, we are not having a big old shindig. Instead we have decided to have a small ceremony in Lake Tahoe, with just family and close friends.

I know that many will say it is too soon since our divorces, or that we haven't been together long enough to get married. But I can tell you that I have never been more sure of anything in my life. When I look at Jill, I just know that she is the one I am supposed to be with for the rest of my life. I never would have believed that the way I feel about her was even possible. What we have is like what you see in the movies, and I always believed that it wasn't reality to be so in love with someone. But I could not have been more wrong! Jill really does complete me, and I can't believe I just said that as corny and as Hollywood as it sounds, but its true! She really does make me a better person, and I can not imagine life without her. And I want the whole world to know just how important she is to me.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! It is obvious that you found true love. Best wishes.

Anonymous said...

Wow, congratulations dude! I don't care if you've been together 10 minutes - if it makes my Derek happy then it makes me happy!

BTW, we are having the twins birthday party here on Sunday the 28th @ 3pm. You are all invited, and it is a costume party so if you come you better be dressed like the little bitch that you are.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Derek & you'll be Mr & Mrs. Freakshow lol love ya guys, char

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! I can't wait to see you guys in Tahoe. Jill - he's the perfect guy for you. You both deserve the best.

Love you!!
