Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Our New Baby

Vizio VM60P - 60" Plasma HDTV
Thank the state for Kicker Checks. Thanks to the State of Oregon taking too much money from me last year and now refunding it, yet making me pay taxes on it next year, (explain that one to me) We have a new baby in the house. She is quite a big girl at 60 inches! I think she makes her older yet slightly smaller 50 inch brother downstairs jealous with her bronze bezel(to me it looks more silver than bronze). He has the nicer xbox 360 though, which has that nice hdmi port that the one upstairs does not. Anyway, I think she will make a nice addition to the family, especially when the guys all come up after Christmas. Call me crazy, but I bought it out of necesity, I couldn't see text since I use the computer as my TV in the bedroom. Now I can!


WNW said...

son of a bitch

lauren gave our kicker to the schools

WNW said...

hey, do you have Mech Assault, oo7 Agent Under Fire or Splinter Cell for the original Xbox anymore? I want to try softmodding one of mine for media streaming. I need one of those games to do it though.

WNW said...

Also, who the fuck is this guy running around portland trying to be you?

Big D Sims said...

Yes, I have all three I think. I have no idea who the hell that guy thinks he is!