Thursday, September 02, 2004

Well, I took a little hiatus from my blog. I am still working in Astoria, and although a lot of people think that I will get promoted to store manager, I don't think that I will. Not really sure why I feel that way, just a shitty gut feeling. Oh well, it would have been perfect, but this is reality and nothing is ever perfect no matter how much you want it to be. The bad thing is that I started out telling myself that I wouldn't get my hopes up, but when all you hear is how great you are and how you are the perfect person for the job, it goes to your head. And now I really want it. What I needed was someone to tell me on a daily basis what a piece of shit I am. Oh well, I've made pretty good money doing this. I have been averaging about 10 to 20 hours of overtime each week for the past 4 weeks. And while I have had absolutely no time to do anything else but work, the money has been nice. I think I have actually lost a little weight due to not having time to take lunches or eating during my 12 hour work days. Starting this week I will be making store manager pay which is almost twice what I make an hour currently, and I will remain hourly so it will be very expensive overtime. I figure I will be doing this for another couple weeks. But enough work. I am totally stoked to see my friend Jeremy before he leaves for Japan this month. I think we are gonna plan a get-together with my other friends for a weekend or something, which is something we haven't done for a very long time. I really wish Dannyboy could make it, but that's the shit when you live thousands of miles away. I'm almost finished with the landscaping on my back retaining wall, which means I can finally put in grass. My wife wants to plant seed, but I think I am gonna talk her into buying sod. It is more expensive, but I think I will be happier in the long run. I recently started playing in a poker group. Last week was my first time, and we play every other Wednesday night at a neighbor's house. He built a game room behind his garage with a poker table, pool table, fridge, TV, and a stereo. It was a lot of fun even though I suck at Texas Hold 'Em. I Drank a few beers, played and lost poker, then we played pool until the next game. That's pretty much all I've done in the last couple weeks. Hopefully I will find out soon about the promotion, don't know how much longer I can go on, not knowing.


Rob said...

dude, you sound like an old married man.. oh wait! thats right, you are an old married man. Oh and hey I don't think you told me happy birthday you ass, man you suck. Anyway, I think it would be wise for them to choose you for the store, but I know you said this is safeway's so called flagship store or whatever so they might want someone else to run it? f that, they will let you if they know whats good for them. By the way, I suck at poker but I bet I would beat you and I can drink more beer than you as well.. also, I'm cooler than you.

ps. you need to come check out my place sometime this century

Big D Sims said...

I already tilled it and it wont take a lot of work, I put in a sprinkler system. Oh and thanks, I am a piece of flaming shit!

WNW said...

He's right, my dog is calling you a peice of shit.