Thursday, August 19, 2004

Damn the Garbage Man!
So last week I forgot to put the trash can out at the street which is no big deal cause the can is enormous, and if need be can go two weeks without pick up. So last night I took all the trash out to the can, which is now extremely full, and pushed it out of the garage and up to the street. So this morning I hear the garbage man drive up the street to, what I thought was, pick up the trash. So later I go outside to bring it into the garage, and it is still full. So I walk across the street to check their can and its empty, so I think to myself, "maybe he was full and had to skip my side of the street to go empty the truck and come back." So I then went and checked the neighbor next to me and his is empty too. So now I am dumb-founded, "why the hell didn't he get mine." So I call the garbage company and the lady asks, "did you have it at the street?" I tell her "yeah since last night." So she tells me to hold on while she radios the garbage truck, that bastard says, "it wasn't there when he came this morning." Now I can understand just making a mistake and saying something like, "wow, I must have missed it." But don't sit there and lie to me because you are incompetent. So now I have to wait until tomorrow to get it picked up. If only he knew how toxic those dirty diapers are. Damn you garbage man, damn you!


Big D Sims said...

I think the world is out to screw us.

WNW said...

My garbageman and lettercarrier are both nice...

Rob said...

maybe you should tiptoe up behind him and tap him on the shoulder, then throw a bag over his head and gouge out his eyes with a shard of glass.. or you could just hurl eggs at his shit smelling truck.