Tuesday, January 25, 2005

This movie, Sin City looks damn cool. Bruce willis is a bad ass. Yippee-Kay-Ay Mother Fucker!

Monday, January 24, 2005

Today, January 24th, is the worst day of the year apparently.
We need to all chip in and get this for our main man Dan!
Here is an article about the next generation machine from nintendo. Personally, I think Nintendo should go the way of Sega, and focus on the the thing they have alway been the best at, the games. What is Nintendo's fetish for gyroscopes? Do I really need, gyroscopes in my controller? I was one of the first people to own the NES, my uncle contracted with them at the time, so I got a fully loaded system free. It came with Rob the Robot, which was an interactive robot that played gyromite with you. It was cool at first, cause it was new, but the novelty wore off quickly moving those damn gyroscopes from one side of the robot to the other.
Daft Punk is back! This is their upcoming third album titled "Human After All", set for release on March 21st. And while it is short (about 45 minutes from beginning to end), it is fantastic. It is the kind of cd you can listen to straight thru. Their last album was good, but this blows it away. Check it out here.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Well it seems Electronic Arts is up to their old tricks again, first signing an exlusive deal to publish games based on the NFL, and now they are stealing the ESPN franchise from Sega/Visual Concepts Studios. But rumor has it that Sega is fighting back with an exclusive deal with MLB. I think this is bad for sports gaming, less selection usually leads to less innovation. We will have to wait and see, makes me not want to purchase games from EA though.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Well, I am not sure how this is possible, but apparently I am more of a nerd than Nathan

I am nerdier than 64% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Portland #6 on the list of Fittest Cities in America. Seattle is #1.
Everyone I know needs to pool their money together and get this for me. Please! Nothing says you care like 102" of Plasma Screen. This is the worlds largest plasma screen made by samsung and debuted at the Consumer Electronics Show in Vegas this week. Prices have not been revealed but rumor has it at around $1000.00 per inch and it will not be available for about a year. So start saving now, just think of it as my christmas/birthday present.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Turned 28 on Thursday, and I can't believe it, but for the first time I felt old. Oh well, that is the way it goes. Stayed up for new years' this year, but felt kind of down with all the shit going on in the world, it is difficult to get excited for another year of "THIS". The Earthquake/Tsunami absolutely blows my mind, I can't stop watching the shit on CNN and the internet. It is beyond all nightmares anyone could ever have thought up. I read today that, if a similar event happened of the Oregon coast where the two plates meet like 20 miles west of where I live, there would be no time for evacuation, at all. And after seeing the total devastation that it can cause, it really makes you think.
I gotta say I feel like hell, I started to feel like crap late last night, and it is worsening by the hour. I should be sleeping to get over this shit in my head and nose, cause I work very early in the morning. But I am not. I have been playing some online Halo 2 with my new wireless headset, love wireless. I also just finished the movie "Hero" with Jet Li, it was fantastic. A truly beautiful film in every sense of the word. I thoroughly enjoyed the use of color to display emotion, and the dialogue was quite good, even translated. Fight scenes were tremendous, especially the two women fighting in the leaves. Enlighten yourself and rent it.

Oh and by the way, HAPPY NEW YEAR to all.
Quoted from NIN.com...
"With Teeth is finished.
The band is rehearsing.
I can't wait to present this music to you.
On your stereo and in your town.
Happy New Year.

Hell Yeah!