Thursday, January 13, 2005

Well, I am not sure how this is possible, but apparently I am more of a nerd than Nathan

I am nerdier than 64% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!


WNW said...

Holy Crap, you're more of a nerd than my did that happen?

WNW said...

I'm the nerd? You're the nerd nerdy! NERDS!!!!!

WNW said...

Hey, make sure to bring down all of your Xbox games. Also, if you have the time you mind listing them so I know what to rent for system link action? And also because I want a list...

Big D Sims said...

all my games are listed on my blog, i will bring them all they are in one big binder

Big D Sims said...

Here is the list, and they are all here.