Saturday, January 01, 2005

Turned 28 on Thursday, and I can't believe it, but for the first time I felt old. Oh well, that is the way it goes. Stayed up for new years' this year, but felt kind of down with all the shit going on in the world, it is difficult to get excited for another year of "THIS". The Earthquake/Tsunami absolutely blows my mind, I can't stop watching the shit on CNN and the internet. It is beyond all nightmares anyone could ever have thought up. I read today that, if a similar event happened of the Oregon coast where the two plates meet like 20 miles west of where I live, there would be no time for evacuation, at all. And after seeing the total devastation that it can cause, it really makes you think.
I gotta say I feel like hell, I started to feel like crap late last night, and it is worsening by the hour. I should be sleeping to get over this shit in my head and nose, cause I work very early in the morning. But I am not. I have been playing some online Halo 2 with my new wireless headset, love wireless. I also just finished the movie "Hero" with Jet Li, it was fantastic. A truly beautiful film in every sense of the word. I thoroughly enjoyed the use of color to display emotion, and the dialogue was quite good, even translated. Fight scenes were tremendous, especially the two women fighting in the leaves. Enlighten yourself and rent it.

Oh and by the way, HAPPY NEW YEAR to all.


Markus said...

Would you like me to come over an hold your nose when you blow? I think I feel a tear comming on! I was hopin you would grow up and take a job from your wife like a wise man! but noooooo, you must suffer longer with imbociles, unapreaciated and unfulfilling work!
Your friend, Markus

Markus said...

By the way, happy f-ing birthday old boy!

WNW said...

If you're afraid of Tsunami's you could always move inland. I have a nice mountian range between me and the ocean.

Also, Happy Birthday old man

Anonymous said...

i hate the mid-west.

Rob said...

happy belated birthday dude, you're only two years away from being labeled as "over the hill" by my standards anyway. Oh and the monitor rules, and though I'll need to buy another hard drive soon so I can burn many a dvd's, its still cool because I can watch them at least. And the mouse is cool too because I can lay on my bed and use the on screen keyboard and be a lazy fuck.

WNW said...

Colin needs help navigating because he is Geogrphically Challenged. He thinks Eugene is 7 hours away and Corvallis is next to Bend. Odd, he get Natinaol Geographic...

WNW said...

DUde, don't say that. You sound like your dad. Say "Fuck you asshole" like everyone else does.

Big D Sims said...
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Big D Sims said...

Colin, I think that should be our new favorite phrase, Fuck you Worth has such a nice ring to it, don't ya think. Maybe I can get a namebadge from work with that on it for Nathan.

WNW said...

WTF is this "Jay-Z/Linkin Park: Collision Course"?!?!?

Big D Sims said...

Jay-Z and Linkin Park got together and mixed Jay-Z lyrics into Linkin Park music and vise versa, it is very good, if you like good rap or good rock

Big D Sims said...

Jay-Z and Linkin Park got together and mixed Jay-Z lyrics into Linkin Park music and vise versa, it is very good, if you like good rap or good rock

WNW said...


Big D Sims said...

I might be able to do it around the weekend of the 15th, I will have to get back to you.

Big D Sims said...

How bout the weekend after, the 22nd & 23rd of January. It would probably work better for me anyway

Big D Sims said...

Be Affraid, Be Very Affraid!

WNW said...

oh shit