Friday, February 18, 2005

So I saw my real dad today. Completely out of the blue, and without any warning he just shows up at my work. I come out of a meeting at work and there he is standing there like it's no big deal. This is the guy that hasn't been around pretty much my entire life. I haven't seen or heard from him in probably almost a year now. The longest he has ever gone without contacting me was like 5 or 6 years when I was in highschool and thereafter. Not a phone call or a birthday card or anything. But it is always the same thing when I see him. He acts like it is no big deal, and wants to pretend like he has been here all along. Oh and he always apologizes at some point and tells me what a terrible dad he has been, then I don't hear from him for like a year. So whatever. There are a few things I do know.

1. My father is a bigot, he has made numerous comments about women, African Americans, Asian Americans, gays, etc. Which seems odd to me since my Grandpa, his father, is very liberal, and not at all that way, nor is my grandma both of which I love and respect very much. Both my uncles, his brothers, don't have the same warped sense of the world like my Dad. I always believed bigotry was a something you learned from those who raised you. Guess not.

2. My father used to do/does drugs. My mother left my father when I was 2 or 3 because she didn't want me to grow up around drugs and the people that make them their life. And not just the light drugs, like pot and mushrooms, but he was into cocaine, and just about every other drug you can name. I think he still uses drugs to this date. I know he uses pot, which at nearly 50 you would think he would have grown out of by now. Despite all the things that my Mom does that drive me nuts, I am extremely thankful for her having the sense to get me away from that. I don't think I would be the same person today if it weren't for her.

3. My Dad will never be there when I need him. There has never been a time in my life when I could depend on my dad, for anything. And just when I start to believe the stuff he tells me, like he is gonna stay in touch and see me more, he doesn't. Some things never change. And because of this I have really never asked him for anything, he never paid a penny of child support to my Mom and step-dad growing up, and I really resent that. Not because I wanted the money, but if Rachelle and I were to separate, I can guarantee you that my daughter Peyton would get every dime I made, no matter what. It's what parents do.

4. My Dad and I have nothing in common. I always pretend to be interested in what he tells me about and the things he says he does, but I'm not. He fishes, he hunts, he lives on boats, not that these things are bad, they just don't really interest me, which he would know if he ever really spent any time with me. I can't really think of 1 thing we share in common, how sad is that. And when we talk all I can think is, "ok, that's great but I gotta go." Even today, I had not a thing to say to him. He told me about how he has been in Peru for the last 6 months and that is why I didn't hear from him, even though other members of my family did. He told me how he is moving there and how the government of Peru is giving him 1000 acres of land to promote tourism. And how he is having a house built, and how he is making $4000 a week taking people fishing and hunting. Whatever. I guess it will just be that much longer between uncomfortable conversations with him on the opposite side of the hemisphere.

So I eventually told him I had to go to another meeting, and it was good to see him. And just like that he was gone, and I probably won't see him again for another year. I thought I wanted him to be a part of Peyton's life, but now I am not so sure. I think he can just be that guys she sees every 10 years. No one I know has a perfect family. I just wish I had something a little closer to normalcy. Shit, who knows, maybe this is normal.


WNW said...

"Shit, who knows, maybe this is normal."

It isn't, you're dad's a jerk. As flawed as my dad can be at least I know he's there if I really need him. It could be worse though. Your stepdad could be a German dude your mom met on the interweb who's only 5 years older than you...

King Jeremy the Wicked said...

Yeah no shit. Try living with that mess. Plus I still don't have an active real dad. It was hard to grow up and watch my family slowly errode while I grew up. My mom left my dad bescause he was complacent with just getting buy, while my mom always wanted to do more that. But then she met Matt who eventaully beat all of us. Then I grew up and got out of that hell hole. Now it's Krazy Karsten. What I am getting at is that in general we all have some fucked up shit in our families.

Rob said...

I don't know whats more strange.. the fact that I don't know a goddman thing about your dad, or the fact that I've never even met him..ever, for fuck sake, Im your brother. Basically the only thing I knew about him was that he grew up with my parents and did drugs and then he moved to alaska to fish.. thats about it,and I'm almost 25, thats fucked up. In response to colin, I would assume you're only talking about his dad when you say,parents. During my life, I have always been thankful that I was brought up by good parents, as opposed to many of my friends who were not fortunate enough to experience the same. I can say with confidence, that my parents have ALWAYS been there when I needed them, and are to this day. On another note, it would have been kinda cool to grow up with parents who were filthy rich.. but its probably better I didn't, I might have lost touch with reality like many rich kids do.

Markus said...

Dads can be many things. They can be in your life, be your life or not be in your life. We make mistakes. We can be selfish. We can and do things all the time that perhaps we would change with every fiber in our being. We are subject to life’s sins of the flesh and driven and guided by drugs. Some dads even go to great lengths to try to be different that what they are. Is this the answer? Is there an answer? I love and hate being a dad at times. I hate the stress, but love the pride in my son. I would be different if I thought being different would help my son, but it wouldn’t. Kinda like your post-man cannot be the cable guy no matter how much you wish he would be. Accept the fact that you can look at your bio-dad and see your image in his face, gestures and actions. He is the donor to half your soul. He is not ever lasting like a dried flower, but a person with a time limit to life, like the rest of us. I’m good at forgetting that even the dirtiest of homes, can produce the cleanest of children. My childhood wasn’t pretty. Stories like the ones already mentioned. I try to forget, but should spend more time remembering so I don’t repeat the mistakes our dads made. You’re a good bean. You are to be admired for your ability to avoid the paths that can screw us all anytime and anytime if we lower our guard.

Love your daughter. Never hide your feelings. Kiss your wife. Hug your family. Quit your lousy job, and live off your wife like the rest of us would do!


WNW said...

Ummmm...Derek, do you have any idea who Markus is?

Big D Sims said...

Yes, I used to work with him several years back and have been friends with him for about 6 or so years.