Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Sick as all hell.
Well I finally got whatever it is that has been going around. And I now feel like death. I am so sick that I think I am gonna call in sick tomorrow for the first time in like 8 years. I worked most of the day yesterday putting in more wiring for my father in laws new house, then I went to work at Safeway last night at 7:30pm I left work this morning around 8:00am and slept all day. In other news, I watched Shaun of the dead yesterday morning, and it was funny as hell for the first 3/4ths of the movie, then it got a little sad. But all in all a very good flick. I also went and saw Constantine, which I thoroughly enjoyed. It was a damn cool premise, and I love religious movie shit anyway, which is funny since I don't buy into the whole god and satan thing. Have to admit the guy who played Satan, played the russian cosmonaut in armageddon, was fucking hilarious. Definately one to go see. Oh and as you already probably know, my mp3 deck in my truck broke last december, and so I couldn't stand it any longer and I bought a adapter for my ipod. It is pretty cool, you plug it in to the cigarette lighter, it holds the ipod in a holster and charges it while it plays, which is nice. And the coolest part is that it broadcasts to any open FM frequency. You just pick the chanel you want to use on your stereo, and put the adapter on that chanel and it plays cd quality sound. It is damn cool. Now if only I had a real deck other than the stock deck, it would sound a hell of a lot better. Anyway, I am gonna go fall into bed now.


Rob said...

I'm just getting over being sick, and it fucking sucked because it wouldn't go away! I was thinking about coming up since I have wed. and thurs. off now but I figured you would probably work, and you're sick anyway so screw that, I'll have to come up sometime later.

WNW said...

I was sick last week too. I thought ou were going to repair your MP3 deck?

Big D Sims said...

its FUBAR.