Sunday, July 10, 2005

Ok, I need someone to go to the Nine Inch Nails Concert in September with me. Tickets go on sale on the 16th of this month, and I will order them, but I need to know how many. I don't have pricing yet. Let me know. Damn I want to go bad. The show is on September 24th at the Rose Garden in P-town.


Rob said...

well I obviously want to go, but I can't buy a ticket that soon with the bullshit going on, it sucks, so hopefully it doesn't sell out.

Big D Sims said...

Happy Birthday, Your Going! Just make damn sure you can go and don't have to work or something.

WNW said...

mmmmm...not me

Rob said...

dude you suck, I updated, that means you can too snigga

WNW said...

wha'ts a snigga?

Big D Sims said...

Holy shit, i am gettin spam on my blog! I didn't even know blog spam existed.

WNW said...

They are spamming the living shit out you!

you can report them but it won't stop new spam.

I'm going to put a letter regognization thing in I think

I havn't had any spam though for somw reason