Wednesday, July 06, 2005

This morning, I got a call from my boss, he told me that a very good friend and my Head Clerk at the Store hit and killed a 23 year old Astoria girl after leaving a bar in town at 2 am last night. I don't even know what to feel in this situation. He is such a good guy, and it is not like him to get drunk at all...But he killed someone!! His whole life is over, he faces a minimum of 6 years in prison, all because of a few beers... Makes me wonder why anyone would drink and drive. I feel extremely bad for the family of the girl, and I can't help but feel bad for Rick. I never thought I would feel bad for a drunk driver after my Aunt Lisa was killed by one when she was 19. I was wrong, he is a good man, who made a horrible mistake, and will spend the rest of his life having to live with himself. Everyone at work is a wreck, we have a grief counselor coming to the Store tomorrow to help. All I can say is that I am just in shock... I just don't know what to think.


WNW said...

As an aside, there is a picture of Curtis Oja's mom on that page.

Also there are now comments on the page. The girl who got killed, her friends come off as kinda dumb. Also, I have a feeling at 2am in the morning they weren't sober either.

Who says "ambling" instead of "walking?"

Big D Sims said...

The sad thing is that it really isn't like him. The prior DUII charges were from Tenessee over 20 years ago before he got away from all the shit going on and got his life right.