Wednesday, December 28, 2005

So holidays are almost over. I had to work later than I wanted on Christmas eve, but made it for a late dinner at Rachelle's parents house. It was very good, damn I love prime rib. Christmas day we slept in, then Rachelle's parents came over and we had strawberry waffles and pepper bacon, yum. Then we opened presents, actually we mostly watched Peyton shred through the massive pile of gifts she got. She made out like a bandit, I tell you. Spoiled you say...Maybe just a little.

When I opened my present, it was a piece of paper with a riddle, that lead me to my jacket pocket. There I found another riddle leading me to the washing machine, then to the freezer, then finally to the Daily Astorian newspaper on the front porch. In the classified ads there was a small little ad that read:

What has a 20 GB hard drive
Has 512 MB of RAM
And is sold out everywhere"

So Rachelle and her parents had planned on getting me an Xbox 360 for me for Christmas, and Rachelle had apparently spent the entire day going from store to store in Portland on the day of the Xbox 360 launch, where she was pretty much laughed at. So unfortunately she had not been able to secure one since preorders are like out til march. But at least when they do become available, I have the cash and the wifely permission to get one. She also got Madden 06 for it, so I was pretty damn excited.

Day after Christmas we went to my brother Brian's house for dinner, and had a great time. Brian made us some of the best enchiladas that we had ever eaten, and the margaritas were pretty damn good too. It is so great that his family and mine get along so well. Rachelle and I absolutely think the world of them and truly enjoy the time that we spend with Brain and Tina. And they have the two most well behaved, absolute best 2 boys ever in Brandon and Alex. It just baffles me, because I don't think my brother Rob and I were anything like those two kids are when we were their age.

Got to see my Grandpa Sims today, he came down to drop off some presents and to visit, which was nice. Brian, Brandon, Alex, Peyton, and I went to lunch in Seaside and got back just in time for Grandpa to show up. It was really nice. I wish Grandpa lived a lot closer than Sequim, Washington, I miss him.

Oh and I turn 29 on Friday, and don't feel like doing a damn thing. How sad is that. I feel old, for the first time. Oh well, another one down 40 or so to go.

Oh, send me your birthday's, I am horrible at remembering dates, and am trying to get it all recorded so I won't forget this year.

Hope everyone has a fun and happy New Year's. See ya next year.

My resolution is to update this more often so that I don't have to keep typing such long posts, but don't hold your breath.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Losing Faith...Never had it!
Best Buy. Now I can understand why Microsoft chose Best Buy as the main retailer for the Xbox 360, seeing as they are probably the largest electronics store in the US, but this is obviously a very shady organization. First there was the huge fiasco with the launch where they forced people to buy hugely expensive bundles to get a 360. Now comes this. The second shipment of xbox 360's are gone before the store opens, and everyone gets the hard sell on a damn Compaq laptop. I god damn hate that whole car salesman tactic. Read the post, it is very interesting.

Xbox vs. GOD!
Here is a book that should be a best seller in no time.
The Bible vs. The X-Station

Take the Test
Fake or Photo

What happened to Intel?
maybe Colin can explain Intel's sucking

Favorite new shopping site discovered Rachelle
1 item each day until they sell out, totally random, and totally cheap!

Cool stupid idea
At first I thought this was stupid. Why would I want to put something over my analog sticks on my xbox controllers. Then after seeing Colin nearly eat through my brand new contoller in 2 days flat, I was sold.

Damn good movie.
The Island was fantastic...enough said.
For Nathan.
A Huge Video Game Lot on Ebay!
The man who owns more video game crap than anyone else I have ever come in contact with.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Now granted I want an Xbox 360 pretty bad, but come on!

The highest amount ever paid for a video game console goes to the new Xbox 360.
Comes with all 18 available games, a couple extra accessories, and a Sony Portable Playstation with 2 games, for a whopping $238,109.00!

That's insane asylum crazy!
Granted, you can't get one anywhere right now, but eventually they will be available. The combined retail value for all this practically seems like a steal at BestBuy for $1991.48.

$238,109.00 Sucker Price
-$ 1,191.50 BestBuy Price
$236,117.52 Pure profit, God you gotta love eBay!

Check it out here. I can't believe it had 70 bids from 20 people, 4 of which bid over $3000.