Sunday, December 18, 2005

Losing Faith...Never had it!
Best Buy. Now I can understand why Microsoft chose Best Buy as the main retailer for the Xbox 360, seeing as they are probably the largest electronics store in the US, but this is obviously a very shady organization. First there was the huge fiasco with the launch where they forced people to buy hugely expensive bundles to get a 360. Now comes this. The second shipment of xbox 360's are gone before the store opens, and everyone gets the hard sell on a damn Compaq laptop. I god damn hate that whole car salesman tactic. Read the post, it is very interesting.

Xbox vs. GOD!
Here is a book that should be a best seller in no time.
The Bible vs. The X-Station

Take the Test
Fake or Photo

What happened to Intel?
maybe Colin can explain Intel's sucking

Favorite new shopping site discovered Rachelle
1 item each day until they sell out, totally random, and totally cheap!

Cool stupid idea
At first I thought this was stupid. Why would I want to put something over my analog sticks on my xbox controllers. Then after seeing Colin nearly eat through my brand new contoller in 2 days flat, I was sold.

Damn good movie.
The Island was fantastic...enough said.


WNW said...

We have a new best buy here. You went there. It sucks. No one ever goes there anymore. The new plan of only selling things to affluent people totally backfired. Everyone goes for the lowest prices, always.

Yeah, Intel...I remember them, they make Macintoshes right?

Not like I'm one to talk. Stock for my company is eating a beefy one

got 8 for 10 on the CG vs Real thing. The peppers and the diamonds fooled me

Woot is good times. I've been going there for years.

Colin is a controller eater. I have some N64 controllers of his that are beat worse than anything I've seen before. That could have been his frat buddies though.

Big D Sims said...

Your just jealous! You have tongue envy.

Rob said...
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Rob said...

Ok, first off, its you'RE, not YOUR.. c'mon derek. Second I got 9 out of 10 on the cg test because I rule a great deal more than any of you, and furthermore.. I've never had a problem with any intel products so I wouldn't see having to switch especially since they will come out with a better one soon anyway. I think intel gave too much away when they let Amd scope out their operations a long time ago, but I don't care either way seeing as I don't buy processors on a regular basis. I likes me some pentiums though. Oh and your tongue sucks

WNW said...

My modded Xbox is awesome.