Monday, December 12, 2005

Now granted I want an Xbox 360 pretty bad, but come on!

The highest amount ever paid for a video game console goes to the new Xbox 360.
Comes with all 18 available games, a couple extra accessories, and a Sony Portable Playstation with 2 games, for a whopping $238,109.00!

That's insane asylum crazy!
Granted, you can't get one anywhere right now, but eventually they will be available. The combined retail value for all this practically seems like a steal at BestBuy for $1991.48.

$238,109.00 Sucker Price
-$ 1,191.50 BestBuy Price
$236,117.52 Pure profit, God you gotta love eBay!

Check it out here. I can't believe it had 70 bids from 20 people, 4 of which bid over $3000.


Rob said...

there has to be something fucked up with it.. why would that one guy keep upping his bid so drastically if no one else was bidding? And the guy who won.. it doesn't make sense.. all he buys is diecast toy cars, haha.. seems like more and more of this shit is happening on ebay.

oh and about time you posted again, jackass

Big D Sims said...

Look at the times on the bids, it wasn't that he was the only bidder, he would bid and it wasn't enough, so he bid again.

WNW said...

They are going to flood the market on the 16th. This whole shortage thing is a scam. If they people who bought them only to resell them on Ebay hadn't have been in the picture there wouldn't have even been a shortage.

Also, buying first generation hardware is for fucking morons.

Big D Sims said...

Not exactly, I just read that while there is a shipment on the 18th, most Bestbuy stores (a Xbox 360 Launch Partner) will receive the most, but will still only receive between 40 & 50 units with a couple major market stores receiving 70. Circuit City's shipment on the other hand, is much smaller in comparison with the entire company only receiveing 170 Xbox 360's, with most stores receiving between 2 and 3 each. This is expected to be the norm for some time, Microsoft has revealed that there is a chip shortage, and that there was a entire batch of bad xbox 360's that were finished that they pulled before they made it to stores for defective reasons. Microsoft has just signed a 3rd Plant in china to start producing so hopefully it will eventually improve, or I may not get one until 2007!

King Jeremy the Wicked said...

I won't see the XBox 360 until I come back to the states for good in Oct 2007. I will be home later on in Jan to Feb timeframe. Pakistan is fucking up th eprocess as well as the price for airfare. Don't listen to Colin about posting. Remember this is my only good link to what's going with everyone.

WNW said...


A) 300,000 X360s are going to be out 16th-18th, as many as the initial launch

B) buying Gen1 hardware still makes you stupid (see PS1, PS2, Xbox 1 and PSP for examples)

C) Japan has only seen about 30% of the X360s there sell. So if you want one have Jeremy smuggle it.

D) turn off the word verification and turn on the comment moderation, it's more effective and less annoying

King Jeremy the Wicked said...

The problem with the ones in Japan is that they will be more expensive and the language. Plus, will US games work on a Japanees console?

Rob said...

The guy didn't pay that much for it, sorry. I doubt even a millionaire would fork over almost a quarter million bucks for an xbox.

Big D Sims said...

I saw the 300,000 thing today, but it has not been confirmed by MS. And I still have a generation 1 xbox, and have never had a problem. And while it is true that only 30 percent of Japanese Xbox 360s have sold they will only play japanese games. Region encoded. Trust me I thought of have JB get one for me before I found out. And yes he did bid that much as did a couple other people.

WNW said...

I was reading on joystiq that there was only reagion encoding on some machines, that struck me as odd

Big D Sims said...

I think I read on Kotaku that it as just some of the Japanese 360's that were region free, and MS wouldn't confirm

Rob said...

I heard that no one cares, and it was confirmed by everyone besides you two!

Big D Sims said...

Eat my Ass!

WNW said...

when it comes to ass eating Manchowder is a viking!