Friday, April 28, 2006

Wii, Are You Kidding Nintendo?

For the first time since the orginal xbox came out, I can say that I was excited about another console. The upcoming Nintendo Revolution, as it should still be called, is going a whole new direction, and I have to admit I kind of like it. That was until they announced the official name yesterday. What the hell was Nintendo thinking? I will probably still get one for Peyton, and myself, but damn that name sucks!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Happy Birthday Assman!

My main man Jeremy B is a year closer to death today, I think he is the youngest of the group of friends. Oh isn't he an ugly baby!! Hope you are getting drunk off your Marine ass in Japan, throw back a few Saki for me! Let's vote which Jeremy kicks the most ass, Crazy Chip Head or GI Joe.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

360 Death!

Well you know all that talk when the xbox 360 launched about overheating and crashing, it faded pretty fast and nobody really thought much of it. Well a couple of days ago, it happened to me. At first my 360 froze, so I restarted and it worked fine, no biggy. Then the other night I was playing the new tomb raider and it froze. So I thought, "I will just restart the 360 and try again." Only this time I restarted and and played for like a minute and it froze again. Now I am starting to worry. So I try again and get the same result. So now I am thinking, "It has to be the game." So I try another game and 2 minutes into Ghost Recon the screen goes blank. So I my thought was maybe it was just too hot and need to cool off for a while. Well letting it cool down all night did not help. Got up before work, started the game and it again froze about two minutes in. Now it freezes even when not in games, I can't even go on the dashboard without freezing up. So I had to call MS and they had me try without the hard drive and wireless adapter, but no luck so they are sending a UPS box so that I can send it in for repair, lame! I just pray that I do not get the kind of service this guy had from Redmond.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

South Park: Censored!

According to Comedy Central, you can take a dump on Jesus, but don't mess with Muslims or Scientologists! As you know, I am not religious, but if your gonna let them bash one religion, everyone else should be fair game.

Dr. Seuss beyond Pluto

I was reading "There's No Place Like Space: All about Our Solar System" by Dr. Seuss with Peyton last night, and wondered now that there is a tenth planet, and since Dr Seuss is dead, who will rewrite this book? Will they leave it in its current state so that future children can be confused when they learn about the solar system, or will they just add another page with bad ass Dr. Suess rhymes about Xena? What rhymes with Xena anyway?

Fat Ass PS3

It would be damn funny if it were true, the PS3 too fat to fit in its clothes? I am seeing a big ass box, bigger than the original Xbox!

Say what you will about Jesus

What has fast food workers putting piss in your drink, and donkey shows? That's right a new Clerks 2 trailer!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Clerks 2 Baby!

I can't fuckin wait for this movie, it just better not be like jersey girl! Damn it, I'm not even supposed to be here today!