Friday, April 28, 2006

Wii, Are You Kidding Nintendo?

For the first time since the orginal xbox came out, I can say that I was excited about another console. The upcoming Nintendo Revolution, as it should still be called, is going a whole new direction, and I have to admit I kind of like it. That was until they announced the official name yesterday. What the hell was Nintendo thinking? I will probably still get one for Peyton, and myself, but damn that name sucks!


WNW said...

So, it's supposed to be pronounced "wee" but let me tell you, I have a degree in teh Englishs and that word is "why"

Big D Sims said...

Yeah, but if it is wee, dear god why would you want your product to sound like a child's word for urine?

Rob said...

In asian culture its not "why" fartknocker. It is a dumb name though.

WNW said...


WNW said...

Holy shit, Colin got hit with this crap too.

Not me though. Comment moderation kills it dead.

Big D Sims said...

Damn U Spammer, Damn U!

King Jeremy the Wicked said...

I got teh same one and I, like Nathan, moderated it.

WNW said...

We're disscussing the humor on Colin's blog