Saturday, April 22, 2006

360 Death!

Well you know all that talk when the xbox 360 launched about overheating and crashing, it faded pretty fast and nobody really thought much of it. Well a couple of days ago, it happened to me. At first my 360 froze, so I restarted and it worked fine, no biggy. Then the other night I was playing the new tomb raider and it froze. So I thought, "I will just restart the 360 and try again." Only this time I restarted and and played for like a minute and it froze again. Now I am starting to worry. So I try again and get the same result. So now I am thinking, "It has to be the game." So I try another game and 2 minutes into Ghost Recon the screen goes blank. So I my thought was maybe it was just too hot and need to cool off for a while. Well letting it cool down all night did not help. Got up before work, started the game and it again froze about two minutes in. Now it freezes even when not in games, I can't even go on the dashboard without freezing up. So I had to call MS and they had me try without the hard drive and wireless adapter, but no luck so they are sending a UPS box so that I can send it in for repair, lame! I just pray that I do not get the kind of service this guy had from Redmond.


WNW said...

You have my deepest sympathies.

I won't even say "I told you so"

Big D Sims said...

You better not damnit! I got the box today and will mail it out tomorrow, I should have it back in 4 -5 days.

King Jeremy the Wicked said...

I so want to laugh, but i think karma would totally fuck me on my XBOX. So with that said, I feel terrible for you.

Big D Sims said...


WNW said...

meanwhile all my systems are running flawlessly.

Big D Sims said...

My other xbox mind you that I have had since day 1 of its launch has never had an issue, not one, before or after the mod.