Monday, September 24, 2007


Oh you know what time it is!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Fourth Generation Xbox 360!

This is now the 4th Xbox 360 I have owned. This time I got the nice version, the other three have been core units. And I just can't be out done by my little brother! The first 2 of my 360's crapped out and were sent back to Microsoft. Now my current one, did the same. But with Halo 3 coming next week, I decided it was time to upgrade, especially since it will be 3 weeks until it is back. While my Core unit is being repaired I will be enjoying Halo 3 goodness on this Halo 3 edition 360. Oh how I love the bronze. I haven't decided what I will do with the old one when it gets back, but I will probably sell it. Todd think's we should put it in his room, but that sounds like he would have to do something big for me! So we shall see.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

It's my fault!

Well, I have been wanting to get a tattoo for quite some time, but was unable to find the right Nine Inch Nails logo (you knew that's what I'd get). Then it hit me, I wanted the logo from a shirt I got at a show in Tacoma in 1995. It was a gargoyle and a chaos symbol. Trouble was I lost the shirt over the years, and could not find the image anywhere on the net. Until a couple days ago. I emailed THENINHOTLINE’S LEVIATHANT and it just so happened he got 1 off ebay a while back and scanned it for me. Now the guys over at FACTION (an online NIN clothing shop) heard about it, and have made a shirt with it again. Check it out and buy one, cause they rule!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Trent Says, "Stealing Music is Good!"

All I can say, is he is totally right, and I agree completely.