Thursday, September 20, 2007

It's my fault!

Well, I have been wanting to get a tattoo for quite some time, but was unable to find the right Nine Inch Nails logo (you knew that's what I'd get). Then it hit me, I wanted the logo from a shirt I got at a show in Tacoma in 1995. It was a gargoyle and a chaos symbol. Trouble was I lost the shirt over the years, and could not find the image anywhere on the net. Until a couple days ago. I emailed THENINHOTLINE’S LEVIATHANT and it just so happened he got 1 off ebay a while back and scanned it for me. Now the guys over at FACTION (an online NIN clothing shop) heard about it, and have made a shirt with it again. Check it out and buy one, cause they rule!


Colin said...

Dude, I think I still have that shirt. You could have just borrowed mine.

WNW said...

Soo when are you getting your ink?