Thursday, August 19, 2004

A couple of years ago there was a pretty decent game called blood rayne about a half vampire/half human chick that killed bad guys kinda like a really hot female Blade. Anyway a new game is coming out later this year. Now apparently she will be on playboy as well. Kinda weird considering she isn't a real person. Lara Croft next I suppose. Saw this on a gaming website:

"Rayne Makes Her Playboy Debut
Rayne is 100% topless and smokin' hot in the October issue of Playboy magazine. This is a first in videogame history and trust us when we say that Rayne does not disappoint. The magazine hits newsstands in early September so here's a great excuse to get a copy!"


Big D Sims said...

I didn't say it was great, but I played it for a while, never all the way thru though.

WNW said...

I say it was a crap game. I say digitized porn is stupid when the real thing is free all over the internet. I say deliver me from clever art. I say evolve, and let the chips fall where they may!