Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Well, the concert was fantastic. By far the best performance from Trent Reznor I have seen, and this was my 3rd or 4th I have been to. A band called Autolux opened, and they were good, but as the band proclaimed that this was the biggest crowd they had ever performed for, it showed. They seemed to get swallowed by the enormity of the Rosegarden and it's crowd. Queens of the Stone Age played next, and played a damn impressive set, they sounded great live. And Josh the singer, is very much a drunk, and told everyone to get drunk and have sex, which I thought was funny. Some guy in the crowd threw something at Josh during the show, which many times will end the show, but Josh just pointed out the guy to the crowd and proceeded to tell everyone what a small dick the guy had. "Your dick must be so small that you piss on your own testicles." and "Why don't you go buy a hotdog and shove it up your ass, unless your buddy there is already doing that for ya."

Then NIN came on at about 10 minutes to 9pm, and played until 11:30pm. The lighting and special effects were bad ass, and they played video clips over a giant see thru screens that covered the stage on 3 sides during part of the show, and had huge LCD screens displaying various graphics and other impressive stuff. During the song "Right Where it belongs they played images of death caused by war and animals killing each other and then they showed a vid of a large row of track housing followed by George W. and his wife dancing during the line "What if all the world you think you know, Is an elaborate dream?". It got a huge cheer out of the crowd. They played 23 songs in all, but no encore. Here is the set list:

2.Love Is Not Enough
4.Terrible Lie
5.The Line Begins To Blur
6.March of the Pigs
7.The Frail
8.The Wretched
11.Gave Up
13.Right Where It Belongs
14.Beside You In Time
15.You Know What You Are?
19.Down In It
21.The Hand That Feeds
22.Starfuckers Inc
23.Head Like a Hole

They didn't play several of my favorite songs, and I would have like to have seen more from "The Fragile", but I guess if they did the show would have gone all night. I was however, excited that they played a couple of non album track like "Burn" and "Deep". "Deep" sounded amazing live and "Burn" was pretty good. There were only a few songs that I wasn't that impressed with: "Only" was not great live, and "The Hand That Feeds" was just OK.

Rob and I met up with Cory T. and his girlfriend before the show and had a beer at McMinnemans on Broadway. Then we all went down together. Rob and I got to our seats like not even 5 minutes before the lights went out. Then at the break between Autolux and QOTSA, I discovered we had been sitting in the wrong seats. Instead of Section 220 Row L Seat 1 & 2 we were in Section 120 Row L Seats 1 & 2. But we stayed thru QOTSA before some skanks and the usher came and told us to move. We went to our real seats (which was only a few rows down from the top at the far end of the stadium), NIN had just started by this point, and there were people sitting in our seats so we moved up a row, which was fine, since we were in the nosebleeds anyway. Then of course as soon as the music starts we had 4 lesbian dancers in front of us for the whole show, grinding and rubbing and all that crap which got old fast since they were constantly blocking my view, so Rob and I moved up another row where we sat for the rest of the show. There was the usual abundant smell of weed, and judging by the number of lighters during "Hurt" and "Right where it belongs" everyone but us was a smoker in one way or another. Some girl got up on someones shoulders directly in front of the screen that was showing a video, and took off her top and showed her breasts to the world, lit up by the projectors for all to see.

The overall mix of fans was pretty unique, there was just about every group of people you could imagine. Freaks to Daddies with their daughters (i wounder how dad explained Closer to his 12 year old daughter), from old people to babies (who will probably suffer permanent ear damage as a result of the concert). All in all, a great show with lots of energy and intensity, the seats were shit, and there will definately be no more presale tickets for me. Can't wait to do it again in another 5 years!
Here is a video clip of the Portland show from NIN's official page on myspace.com. It even has the Predator Drag Queen that we all saw at the end of the show before we left the Rosegarden. Very Scary! And I especially like the girl who bites the hand to get the drum stick...Nice!
Portland Show

Here are some pics from the Vancouver BC show on Monday, gives you an idea of the performance and the setup, very cool stuff.

You can get all but 2 (Deep & Down In It) of the tracks on iTunes.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The countdown has begun...
4 days remain...
My Nine Inch Nails Update
So I got a little nervous when I heard that an hour into the first show of the North American tour, the concert ended, due to the drummer, Jerome Dillion having chest pains, and an irregular heartbeat. But apparently all is well now and the tour is back on schedule after fucking up only 2 shows. Thank God!
It was damn cool to see Trent Reznor perform on the Katrina benefit on MTV, VH1, MTV2, CMT, etc last week. He played two tracks: "Hurt", and a cool new track called "Non Entity". You can see the performance here, or download the track along with the performance of hurt from Sony's version of itunes (which sucks by the way) for $0.99 here, oh and it only works with Internet Explorer, how suck ass is sony anyway? But they played the first real show of the tour last night in Phoenix, and from the look of it, Saturday is gonna kick ass!
Anyway I still need to get ahold of Corey, I think Rob and I are gonna go with he and his girlfriend, which by the way she doesn't even like NIN.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

I am so pissed off at the Bush administrations' handling of hurricane katrina, that just thinking about it makes me want to punch something. Don't get me started. Put up a bunch of pictures of Peyton, from the safety fair i put on at safeway, and some of her 2 favorite new outfits, the bella ballerina outfit(cause Bella Atkinson had one)and the princess nightgown. I am not sleeping well at night for a few weeks now, not sure why, but I think it is stress related. Watched the Ring for the first time, not bad! Love the new Hulk game: Hulk SMASH! And have really gotten into Grand Theft Auto San Andreas again, damn addictive. I will probably be switching from DSL to cable internet, charter finally got cable internet in Gearhart, and it is 3mb vs the 1.5mb dsl I have through Qwest for less money. The only thing I don't like is the upload speed sucks! 250kb is pathetic, I have 892 with DSL! Oh well, should be much faster download though. Rachelle and I went and saw Garbage at the Arlene Schnitzer Auditorium in Portland last weekend, and the show was amazing. Not a huge venue, just a few thousand people, and they looked and sounded fantastic as they always do live. The opening band was a group called The Thermals, a local Portland band. They were pretty damn good, and had a cool black chick bass player in rubber boots and a fro. We had pretty good seats, in the orchestra section but were off to one side, until a guy came over and asked if he could switch seats to sit next to some friends, his seats were dead center about 1 row further back. Anyway we had a great time, and I couldn't hear right for 2 days. We have been really watering the sections of the lawn that died, and they are coming back nicely, I think I have the only green yard in the neighborhood.

Friday, September 02, 2005

If you are a geek like me, and I know you are, and would like to help out with the hurricane relief, put down some cash for a shiny new Halo: Fight The Flood T-shirt to benefit the hurricane victims.

If nothing else go to your nearest Safeway and tell a checker you would like to make a contribution to the Hurricane Relief.

In both cases 100% of the funds collected go to help the victims, none of that administrative costs bullshit...