Friday, September 02, 2005

If you are a geek like me, and I know you are, and would like to help out with the hurricane relief, put down some cash for a shiny new Halo: Fight The Flood T-shirt to benefit the hurricane victims.

If nothing else go to your nearest Safeway and tell a checker you would like to make a contribution to the Hurricane Relief.

In both cases 100% of the funds collected go to help the victims, none of that administrative costs bullshit...


King Jeremy the Wicked said...

I need you to email me a walk through of connectging my XBOX to my computer with FLASHFXP.

WNW said...

it's not hard. enter the IP address of your Xbox and hit connect.

King Jeremy the Wicked said...

Yeah good call Nathan. I'm so happy that we got to the bottom of that problem with one simple comment. It wasn't that simple. For one I didn't have TCP/IP set up right and my IP on my XBOX was off by a number. Thanks to Derek though who gave me a breif and helpful walkthrough to get it working. And to Nathan..... Peanut Butter.