Thursday, September 08, 2005

I am so pissed off at the Bush administrations' handling of hurricane katrina, that just thinking about it makes me want to punch something. Don't get me started. Put up a bunch of pictures of Peyton, from the safety fair i put on at safeway, and some of her 2 favorite new outfits, the bella ballerina outfit(cause Bella Atkinson had one)and the princess nightgown. I am not sleeping well at night for a few weeks now, not sure why, but I think it is stress related. Watched the Ring for the first time, not bad! Love the new Hulk game: Hulk SMASH! And have really gotten into Grand Theft Auto San Andreas again, damn addictive. I will probably be switching from DSL to cable internet, charter finally got cable internet in Gearhart, and it is 3mb vs the 1.5mb dsl I have through Qwest for less money. The only thing I don't like is the upload speed sucks! 250kb is pathetic, I have 892 with DSL! Oh well, should be much faster download though. Rachelle and I went and saw Garbage at the Arlene Schnitzer Auditorium in Portland last weekend, and the show was amazing. Not a huge venue, just a few thousand people, and they looked and sounded fantastic as they always do live. The opening band was a group called The Thermals, a local Portland band. They were pretty damn good, and had a cool black chick bass player in rubber boots and a fro. We had pretty good seats, in the orchestra section but were off to one side, until a guy came over and asked if he could switch seats to sit next to some friends, his seats were dead center about 1 row further back. Anyway we had a great time, and I couldn't hear right for 2 days. We have been really watering the sections of the lawn that died, and they are coming back nicely, I think I have the only green yard in the neighborhood.


Rob said...

how the hell do you have an 892 upload speed with dsl? 892?? No way.. and why would you care about upload speed? You do a lot of uploading? You should get the 30th off this month.. taproot and chevelle are playing at the roseland.

Big D Sims said...

I have always had the fast upload, it is nice when putting pics on the net and stuff. I am off on the 30th i think, but rachelle is out of town, and I will have peyton.

Rob said...


WNW said...

Comcast suxors

Rob said...

comcast has always worked fine for me, and I've used it for a couple years.. what problems do you have with it?

WNW said...

the upload speeds suck and it will go out sporadically in the it's too freaking expensive

Big D Sims said...

how much you pay for 3mb?

Rob said...

its not too expensive, it includes basic cable too

WNW said...

$55 a month. And basic cable is like 13 channels

Rob said...

so what would be better?