Sunday, May 28, 2006

Best Performance Period.

Last night was by far the best NIN show I have ever been to, and I have seen like 6 or 7 shows.
Here is some video Rob took, not the best quality, but you get the idea.

Here is a pic from the show last night from the echoingthesound forums

Here is a site where you can buy professional shots from the concert by the guy who does all the artwork for the album and everyting else.
Rob Sheridan Photos

And here is the set list, much more from the Fragile than last tour.

somewhat damaged
know what you are
terrible lie
march of the pigs
something i can never have
gave up
help me i am in hell
la mer
into the void
the big come down
get down make love
the hand that feeds
head like a hole

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Just How Deep Do You Believe?

It's gonna Rock!
Saw Corey yesterday and he, his sister, his girlfriend (who is a english teacher at Astoria High and no its not Mrs. Hale), and Rob and I are gonna get together before the show. I am pretty stoked.

Here is a link to a KROQ breakfast with NIN thing from last week. They play a couple songs, 2 unreleased ones, and there is some interview stuff.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

This is the front page of taken from the road yesterday in Washington. See the rain? Did I mention the show is outdoors tonight? Damn the northwest!

Friday, May 26, 2006

Sequels Suck

Dante & Randal debate sequels

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Xbox 360 Updates

Apparently we are getting some very cool and much needed upgrades to the 360 dash. Music will play thru game loads and reboots, video files will have improved features such as fast forward speeds 2x-16x etc, and Live will get much better navigation. But the best update is the active downloads. Basically you will be able to que downloads, and they will download while you play or watch a movie, etc. It even knows to pause downloads while playing online. There are other good stuff like being able to set whether the console boots up to the disc or the dash when you turn it on, which is a little thing, but all the more user friendly. Damn this makes me want my damn Xbox back. UPS came today but no one was home to sign for it and that ass much wouldn't leave it on the porch, which is probably good, now that I think about it. 6 weeks without my 360 has not been cool.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

No More Used Games?

Damn, I hope this is not true. If it is it could mean the beginning of the end for reasonably price games, and it would even make selling them on eBay illegal. We shall see. I read that Sony does in fact hold a patent for a technology that allows them to tie a game to a specific console, so once you play it on a particular machine, you can't play it on any other machine. Can Sony really do anything else to piss off its customers, apparaently so!
PS3 games not really yours

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Superman Baby!

Ever wanted to see Superman take a bullet to the eye in slow motion, now you can!

Monday, May 22, 2006

Nuclear Power is for Losers!

For those of you who didn't know, Oregon's first, last, and only nuclear power plant was demolished on sunday, it has been inactive for like 15 years or so. I haven't seen the giant pile of rubble yet, but it will be wierd not to see the giant tower when driving I-5. I still remember running a cross country meet around the Trojan park and wondering if there were three-eyed fish in the lake we ran around.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Sony Double Talk

This is funny to me. I like how Sony's Vice President of Game Studios said they would not have 2 versions, which turns out they do. Now he said that the two versions are identical in functionality. Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't WiFi and HDMI two missing functions of the lesser model?

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Master Chief Returns

Damn this looks good! Too bad it doesn't come out until next year.
The video is large 64mb but looks very nice!
Halo 3 HD Trailer

Monday, May 08, 2006

More Video Game Price Gouging

Well Sony announced today that they, like Microsoft with the Premium and Core 360's, will have two SKUs for the PS3. They will have a "Premium" version with a 60gb hard drive, HDMI out, memory stick slots, and wireless b/g and bluetooth. Their "Core" version will not have any of the above mentioned, but will have a 20gb hdd. The kicker, for all those who thought the $299 & $399 Xbox 360's were expensive, you better turn away, because it will cost $499 and $599 respectively for the two versions of PS3. I have never been a fan of Sony or PS3, and I think the price is damn high, but you'd be a dumbass to buy the cheap version. No one will care about memory sticks, but the wireless, HDMI, and the extra 40GB are well worth the extra $100.

On the positive side for Sony, at least they dropped that boomerang controller for a
PS2 controller with motion sensing and wireless. Not a lot of original ideas coming from the Sony camp is there? With the exception of HDMI support, I do believe everything else has been covered by MS or Nintendo.

Return of Peyton

I started a new blog with Peyton related material.

Not much there yet, but I did upload a few recent pictures from around easter, and a video clip from February of 2004. More to come.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Shut the Hell Up Coach or I'll Sue Ya!

Since when is it not acceptable for a coach to yell at his players? Oh well, I would expect as much from Clatskanie. Damn that speed trap of a town...

Oregon Students Can Sue Over Tough Coach Dispute

Mars Pathfinder Rocks!

I don't know if its that fact that since I was a kid I have always been a sucker for space stuff, or that fact that it is set perfectly to Nine Inch Nails song "Sunspots", but this video rocks. Someone put a lot of damn effort into making this animation, and timed it perfectly with the music, which is an absolute perfect fit for the visuals.

Saturday, May 06, 2006


What's your favorite flavor?

Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway


Call of Duty 3

Down with the RIAA

Because The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) sucks ass!
Sign this petition


The Red Hot Chili Peppers are opening their World Tour in Portland on August 11th. I have listened to the new double album, Stadium Arcadium, and all 28 tracks are fantastic, reminds me of Blood Sugar Sex Magic. We gotta go see this one!