Sunday, May 28, 2006

Best Performance Period.

Last night was by far the best NIN show I have ever been to, and I have seen like 6 or 7 shows.
Here is some video Rob took, not the best quality, but you get the idea.

Here is a pic from the show last night from the echoingthesound forums

Here is a site where you can buy professional shots from the concert by the guy who does all the artwork for the album and everyting else.
Rob Sheridan Photos

And here is the set list, much more from the Fragile than last tour.

somewhat damaged
know what you are
terrible lie
march of the pigs
something i can never have
gave up
help me i am in hell
la mer
into the void
the big come down
get down make love
the hand that feeds
head like a hole


Rob said...

Yes it certainly did kick ass! Take in mind that I was just using my digital camera, and that it was on the lowest quality setting so I could get a good amount of video. I think the sound quality is pretty good actually under the circumstances.. especially during hurt.

Rob said...

Oh, you need to update this thing.. I have more videos on there now. Well I guess if anyone cares.. they can just go to my youtube page, the videos are bigger.

Big D Sims said...

Did you notice on the Concert forum they linked all your videos.
Echoing The Sound

Rob said...

Thats pretty cool, although they'll probably assume he made the videos, oh well.

Big D Sims said...

It drizzled, but the amphitheater is covered. And yeah it is amazing how good Johnny Cash's version of Hurt is, especially when it was such a personal song for Trent Reznor. Cash definately made it his own.