Thursday, May 25, 2006

Xbox 360 Updates

Apparently we are getting some very cool and much needed upgrades to the 360 dash. Music will play thru game loads and reboots, video files will have improved features such as fast forward speeds 2x-16x etc, and Live will get much better navigation. But the best update is the active downloads. Basically you will be able to que downloads, and they will download while you play or watch a movie, etc. It even knows to pause downloads while playing online. There are other good stuff like being able to set whether the console boots up to the disc or the dash when you turn it on, which is a little thing, but all the more user friendly. Damn this makes me want my damn Xbox back. UPS came today but no one was home to sign for it and that ass much wouldn't leave it on the porch, which is probably good, now that I think about it. 6 weeks without my 360 has not been cool.

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