Monday, May 08, 2006

More Video Game Price Gouging

Well Sony announced today that they, like Microsoft with the Premium and Core 360's, will have two SKUs for the PS3. They will have a "Premium" version with a 60gb hard drive, HDMI out, memory stick slots, and wireless b/g and bluetooth. Their "Core" version will not have any of the above mentioned, but will have a 20gb hdd. The kicker, for all those who thought the $299 & $399 Xbox 360's were expensive, you better turn away, because it will cost $499 and $599 respectively for the two versions of PS3. I have never been a fan of Sony or PS3, and I think the price is damn high, but you'd be a dumbass to buy the cheap version. No one will care about memory sticks, but the wireless, HDMI, and the extra 40GB are well worth the extra $100.

On the positive side for Sony, at least they dropped that boomerang controller for a
PS2 controller with motion sensing and wireless. Not a lot of original ideas coming from the Sony camp is there? With the exception of HDMI support, I do believe everything else has been covered by MS or Nintendo.


Big D Sims said...

I just read that about a year ago Sony and MS were sued and lost a patent lawsuit with the rumble feature. MS bought paid up and then bought the company so there will be no rumble/force feedback feature whatsoever with the PS3 controller

WNW said...

PS3 = teh suxors