Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Ok so yesterday I went back to the doctor for my post-op appointment. I am still in a ton of pain, still not able to sleep, still getting blood in my nose and mouth, and still unable to breath!!! She said that the surgery went very well but that it was by far the worst surgery of the 3 she did that day. She said she could not believe who full of polyps my sinuses were not to mention the tremendous inflammation in there. And that this was all normal considering the condition of my sinuses and the depth of the surgery.
At this visit she put a small tube in my nose and up into my sinuses to suck out the packing and the scabs, gunk, etc. Let me tell you that was not fun. I can close my eyes now and still feel it. It literally felt like she was sucking my brains out through my nose. And of course it hurt, and I bled more, so that is always fun. She is fully confident that when all is healed, I will be infinitely better, but it is going to take time due to how bad I was. She has taken me off work for yet another week, I was supposed to be released to go back on the 2nd, and now am off til the 9th. This is good, because I still feel like crap. And my nose still hurts like hell. She has now put me on stronger pain killers (percocet instead of vicoden) that will hopefully help me if nothing more than to sleep.
It was the first time I got out of the house since my surgery, and it was tough because I am constantly having to spit or blow out bloody mucus. Not to mention how much it hurts to do so or even touch anywhere near my nose. And the drugs make me all wonky so I can't drive myself. Even my upper teeth are still soar. I asked about my smell coming back and the doctor said that it would be the very last thing to return possibly 2-3 months, but she was very confident that it would.
Jill has been off work for the last week taking care of my sorry butt, but will have to go back tomorrow, so that sucks! She really has been a life saver, taking care of me, cooking for me, driving for me, etc. Hopefully this will all pass very soon. And I can go back to an even better than before status.


WNW said...

You have no sense of smell? So you can fart and claim you can't smell it in all honesty...will you use this power for good or evil?

Big D Sims said...

I actually have been unable o smell for like almost 2 years which is one of the reasons I wanted the surgery. It effects my taste buds, nothing tastes as good anymore. Yet I still get fat? Maybe it is a bad idea to get the smell back, who knows how large I will grow.

WNW said...

2 years! Oh man! tell me when you get your sense of smell back! I want to burst your fart smell cherry!

Jesus, that sounds even worse than I originally intended