Sunday, May 18, 2008

My Tattoo

I finally did it, after wanting to get one for like 15 years, I finally went through with it. It is of course Nine Inch Nails, a logo I had on a T-shirt from a tour during the early 90's. Love it, it turned out great.


King Jeremy the Wicked said...

Looks good bro. Right there on the forearm? I must say I did get my NIN tat first though.

Big D Sims said...

yeah, but mine by far rules!!!

WNW said...

So now that Derek has caved when do we start peer pressuring Colin to get inked?

Colin said...

I decided a long time ago that I would only get inked to commemorate a tragedy, so one of you assholes will have to die first for me to get inked.

I do remember that concert though, and seriously considering jumping off the foot bridge. Good times.

I still have that shirt somewhere with that logo.