Tuesday, July 27, 2004

I am a huge halo fan and recently I saw the new trailer they are running in theaters for Halo 2. At the end of the trailer is a web site. www.ilovevees.com. This website is obviously some sort of advertisement meant to generate buzz (like bees) for the new game. It is so abstract though, even linking to a supposed blog right here on blogger. I have to give Microsoft credit on its different way of advertising. Got my attention. By the way the counter ends on Aug 24th which is long before the game is supposedly coming out (Nov. 9), but that would be all right with me.

1 comment:

WNW said...

three games intrest me right now. Fable for Xbx, GTA:SA for PS2, and Midway Calssics Collection 2 for GC (Arcade perfect MK, MK2 and MK3)