Thursday, July 01, 2004

Today, is a good day, and I will tell you why. I along with2 of my new neighbors have decided to go in together and buy a portable basketball hoop. I am pretty excited, because as long as I have had a place of my own, I have always wanted a hoop but either never had a place to put one or couldn't afford to buy one, but now I can yeah for me.


WNW said...

When I come to visit I will school your punk ass. Then I will fall on my head and get amnesia and forget the whole damn thing. CHEW ON THAT YO!

King Jeremy the Wicked said...

No you did'nt. Tell me you did'nt buy a hoop. I will so skool you ass when I come up in sept. I will cross you like Iverson bitch. I will emberass you to the point that you will want to bring it back to the store for a refund. Any way's, if you have checked my blog lately do so.

Big D Sims said...

You know I could beat both you bitches with my eyes closed....bring it!