Sunday, July 18, 2004

So I have been avoiding writing in my blog for over a week now…Don’t know why now, other than I just didn’t feel like expressing myself or perhaps I am just too lazy, or is it tired?  Oh well who knows, who cares.  I am TIRED, I work too much!  But I have no choice, and if I did would it be any different.  I am constantly broke, constantly tired, and yet I remain on this path to better myself thru a different career.  Who knows if this is gonna work out.  Anyway lets see, been burning yet even more movies, added Pitch Black, SWAT, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Matchstick Men.  I like Nick Cage, always have, he just seems to be a cool laid back kind of guy.  Except the Elvis fettish is a little weird, but no one is perfect.  Several people say I look somewhat like him, but alas he is rich and I am not.  Saw my brother the other day, who I haven’t seen in months.  He is HUGE!  When I saw him I had to ask if he was on the juice, but he assured me he is not, just does nothing else but work out.  Although I think he appears to have a small head now that his body is gargantuan.  I have been spending what little free time I have had, mind you I work six days a week, on trying to put my yard together.  The back of my yard has a sand hill that is constantly sloughing off even after my builder put up a cement retaining wall.  So now I am building a second wall above the cement wall and about 3 feet further back of railroad ties.  I can’t begin to tell you how heavy some of those ties are.  I swear they must be petrified.  So I am spending tons of money on dirt, and bark dust, and rock, and railroad ties, and this is after I spent a ton on a sprinkler system and topsoil, oh and I still need to buy grass.  Will this madness ever stop?  We decided the bills were getting a little out of hand so I took a loan out on my 401-K plan to pay all the credit cards off, which is nice, cause it’s one payment a week that comes directly out of my Safeway check and it is reasonable interest, which I still don’t understand why I have to pay interest on my own money, but whatever.  Hopefully one day soon, I will have a yard with something other than sand (damn beach).  I decided my computer was running like crap and it was time to wipe out my hard drive and start fresh, which I do about 2 times per year.  Only this time when I reinstalled WinXP Pro after the format I couldn't access my other hard drives, I have 4 hard drives with 500 gb total all of which have my backed up stuff like 15,000 mp3s and movies, and pictures of my daughter, and other stuff, so I was quite upset.  The drives were there and displayed being near full but when I would click on the folders it would tell me access denied.  Turned out it was some wierd glitch having to do with swiching the drive the my My Documents folder resided on, so all was restored.  And now my machine is running smooth as a baby's butt.  I read a friends blog this evening, and I am becoming increasingly worried about his mental and financial well being.  His blathering is a little disturbing.  Hang in there man!  Well that is about everything.  I will try to post more often, but probably won’t.

1 comment:

WNW said...

I've got comments, I've got comments, I've got lotys and lots of comments! COMMMMMMMMENNNNNNNNTTTTTTTTTS!

1) How are you converting the files from AVI to something that can be burned? What software are you using?

2) You have Nick Cage's mannerisms, especially the freaky smile

3) Rob would be the one I'd expect to start jucing. At least he now accepting the fact that his giant body is his best asset. Is he taking any thuggary jobs yet?

4) Boy, you knoe what would help with those railroad ties? Two people to help you. Like, say, me and Dan. Wiat a minute! We're both going to be up there for Trish's wedding (well I'm not, I'm coming up to seeDan and Colin and you. The thing is we need a place to sleep...and possibly drink....a lot. HI! I'll talk to you about it if you ever call me back