Friday, March 18, 2005

Halo 2 expansion? God knows the ending left it wide open for some type of sequel, and this was posted to an official microsoft site. Who knows, but I would be damn hard pressed not to download it. Makes a lot of sense.


WNW said...

I just bought a 57 inch television. I belive that's bigger then yours bitch!

Rob said...

yeah by about 7 inches isn't it? And Derek bought his how long ago? That best be some crazy plasma hi-def tv mufucka or else you stragglin be-i-itch!

Big D Sims said...

Yes mine is only 50" and not high def, doesn't even have component inputs. Sad huh. Now you have done it, I have to buy a new TV.

King Jeremy the Wicked said...

If you get a new TV Derek I will be forced to do the same. Mine however, will beat everyone. I'm looking at getting a big screen LCD. I can't remember the size but it is fucking huge, and it's only $3,000.

Big D Sims said...

Could it be that AndBallz has these tendencies himself? I believe he is just jealous.

Big D Sims said...

You are an odd duck my man...Your sexilicious talk makes me feel dirty.