Tuesday, March 08, 2005

I thought this was a pretty interesting interview of former President George Bush on his experiences with former President Bill Clinton on their Tsunami trip. Clinton slept on the floor so Bush Sr. could have the bed. How sweet is that? I probably would have made him sleep on the floor.

Here is an interesting article about Xbox 2 (or Xenon, XboxNext, Xbox360, XboxHD, or whatever you wanna call it) and it's specs per the Game Developers Conference this week. I think the mandatory Live enable, high definition, and Surround 5.1, are good ideas that will force the game makers to push the envelope with new games. The best feature on the new system in my opinion is the mandatory user created soundtrack option. I can't tell you how much it improves the gameplay experience to play your own songs. And I think it is great that it will play mp3s on the new box. I don't know what I think about the camera though. I will have to wait and see on that one. All in all pretty cool stuff to look forward to. Yet, I almost wish they had waited another year before releasing new systems. I think xbox was just starting to hit its stride, and we are just now seeing some of the best games the system has produced and what the system is capable of with games like Riddick, Doom 3 and Halo 2. But you know I will probably end up being one of the first people to go out and get one, seeing as I am an xbox freak.

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