Sunday, January 22, 2006

For A Good Time...

Go Rent These Movies:

Lord of War: Fantastic story, good action, very compelling, based on actual events.

Transporter 2: Action, Action, and More Action. Is it believeable? NO. Is it entertaining? Definately!

Wedding Crashers: Funniest damn movie I've seen in I can't remember how long. Parts of this movie literally had me in tears from laughing so hard.

Trouble for Sony?

Do you think Sony will get the PS3 out by "Spring 2006"? No one has really seen or heard anything from Sony since E3 last May. Could Sony really be in that much trouble, or could they be trying to keep quiet so as not to give the competition any sort of advantage? I think it is likely going to be a Holiday 2006 launch window.
There have been some rumors of problems in PS3 land, and when Sony displays a PS3 at the Consumer Electronics Show last week with a label calling it a conceptual design, it makes one wonder how far from getting the system out they really are.

Here is an interesting article after several Investment analysts put their 2 cents in on launch date and the high cost of PS3.

Is blue ray worth an extra $100 over the already expensive Xbox 360? Me thinks probably not especially if they continue to have the Blue Ray vs. HD-DVD battle. Who wants to end up with a Betamax? Beta was Sony's last battle, and it lost to VHS. Damn you Sony, we too got stuck with one at my house growing up.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Sucks to be Tin Tin today!

It must suck to be 29...oh wait I'm 29 now, Damn It!

Monday, January 16, 2006

More Than Meets the Eye

I hope this rocks. Michael bay does have a good history when it comes to action movies (The Rock, Armaggeddon, The Island, Bad Boys II. But then again he also did do Pearl Harbor, which really blew. And you really can't go wrong with Spielberg getting involved.
Damn this color game.
Click the color

Comes from a damn funny site: b3ta
Definitely check out the movies and games sections.
Warning not for the easily offended.
Here is a comparison of Japanese vs. American video game covers. For the most part it seems Japan is all about the cartoony look. Though backyard wrestling suddenly looks like a much better game!

First they change the logo, now this.

No more Pentium...Colin say it ain't so. Though I haven't owned an Intel chip in several years, sorry Colin!

Saturday, January 14, 2006

After spending a week with the New White Box in my entertainment center, I have to say I am very impressed.

But the thing that stands out the most has got to be Xbox Live. It is amazing and addictive at the same time. Everyone gets a silver membership out of the box which doesn't let you play online, but it lets you download free stuff live HD movie trailers, video clips like Red vs. Blue, game demos like the new EA Sports Fight Night 3 which comes out in February, and quite a bit of other stuff. I could literally spend hours going thru all of it. Plus everything is so well integrate with the dashboard. Very smooth!

The controllers are the best I have ever used on any system, and seem to have no lag at even 30 feet away with cordless phones and wireless G in the house. And I absolutely love being able to turn the 360 on and off with the logo button in the middle of the controller.

The dashboard always runs in the background which is great for listening to your own tunes while you play games. And the music doesn't stop when the game does, it will keep playing while you are in the dashboard or on Live, very cool feature. You can play mp3s and wmas from a networked computer which is cool. And once again extremely seamless. The dash is customizable with various preloaded themes that come preloaded on the hard drive with a bunch of other stuff like mp3s and gamer card pics.

If you are online it keeps track of everything and puts it on your xbox web page. Kind of cool. Microsoft definitely does know software and it shows.

Quake 4. Well it looks like a slightly better Doom 3. And it plays pretty much like every other ID shooter. Story is so so. But if you want to blow the shit out of everything, it is definitely for you. Not what I would call a thinking man's shooter though.

Amped 3 is fantastic. The graphics are good, not great. But the style and presentation are excellent. Funny, weird, trippy, psychedelic, all come to mind. Best and most enjoyable snowboarding game ever. Did I mention fucking hilarious!

Project Gotham Racing is beyond pretty...It baffles me how real everything looks, from the environments, to the cars, to the inside of the cars, wow! But the damage modeling sucks, and is very limited, you can plow into a wall at 150 mph and just break a little glass. Lame!

Bejeweled 2 This is a very simple game everyone has played, but you know what? It is damn addictive. Looks very pretty in HD as well.

Geometry Wars Retro Evolved is simply lots of fun. Fast and frenzied, and keeps you on the edge of your seat. Damn cool for a free download on Xbox Live. Oh and it looks damn good to in 1080i!

Gauntlet .What can I say about gauntlet. Same game, how many years later. Definitely brings back some memories. It is still loads of fun, and now can be played on line. The graphics look a hell of a lot better than the original, but not the best looking Xbox Live Arcade game by far.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

I could only open this in Internet Exlorer, but it is well worth the watch. If it were true, I don't think Microsoft would have any programmers left.
Programmer Punishment
Click on Watch Entire Show on the right side of the page.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

For the love of 360!
I think I need to quit my job so that I can just focus on Xbox 360. It will be very fulfilling.

Condemned: Criminal Origins is scary as hell! Junkies coming out of the woodwork with damn broken boards and water/conduit pipes, makes you want to piss your pants. Damn impressive atmosphere in this game.

Kameo is very original and fun, you can change into several different creatures to accomplish various goals. Fantastic art style, and the graphics look sweeeet. And it must be good because Peyton loves it.

NBA 2K6 has realistic player sweat, what more can I say? The game looks and plays very smooth. Though during 1 of the replays there were two basketballs on the screen at once, that was the only weird glitch so far.

Perfect Dark Zero is damn cool and a lot of fun, especially if you like Bond 007 on the Nintendo 64. Though wish you could jump, and carry more weapons at 1 time, I hate having to choose between dual uzis or sniper rifle.

Madden 06 looks and sounds simply amazing, as close to real football as you can get, but is missing some of the features from the Xbox version, and the QBs look like they have no souls: weird eyes.

Call of Duty is the best WWII game and possibly even the best first person shooter of any genre! I have never felt so immersed in gunfire. It makes your knuckles white, feels like you are in the middle of the action.

Dead or Alive 4 is more of the same, with improved graphics, more characters, better control, bigger and more interactive environments, oh and better jiggle physics.

All in all I think my favorite thus far is a toss up between Condemned & Call of Duty 2.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Well, I finally got one...with the help of Gamermill. It will be here friday from Amazon.
Yippee for me!