Sunday, January 08, 2006

I could only open this in Internet Exlorer, but it is well worth the watch. If it were true, I don't think Microsoft would have any programmers left.
Programmer Punishment
Click on Watch Entire Show on the right side of the page.


WNW said...

IE is teh sux

Big D Sims said...

yes it blows

Big D Sims said...

Yes I would agree that firefox has issues, but it has not been around even a 1/4th of the time that IE has. Time that should have been spent improving the technology, not simply lying idle because it has 95% of the market share. Innovation is what I seek. And I have seen IE 7 and honestly, I am not impressed, it is basically tabbed browsing with the same IE6. Even microsoft employees have complained on their own blogs about the lack of any sort of advancement of the technology or other improvements in the last 10 years. I have not used IE in at least a year or two except if unable to browse something with another browser.

King Jeremy the Wicked said...

I'm sorry but I have to do this...


Good thing you guys are married or else... well lets say the female contact would be be nil.

Rob said...

Anyone who picks a browser because it is "more popular" is an idiot, unless, there are very good reasons it is so popular which I believe is the case with firefox, I like it better, and I'm with Derek on this one as far as his opinion. Jeremy is right though.